
aoc gold Wuhan University the examination-oriented education defenders or vested interests - YPU

129742915506562500_276Xie Kangna, high school of South China normal students. 7 years (second grade) start published poetry and prose. Novels have been published in more than more than 100 publications so far 296 articles, prose, essays, poems, fairy tales, have created 10 short stories in the novel, 27. Late last year, she was member of the writers ' Association of Hubei province to attract, becoming one of the youngest two members.18th, the affiliated high school of South China normal students and "girl writer" Xie Kangna participated and China University of Geosciences, Huazhong University (Wuhan) autonomous enrollment. In late December last year, Xie Kangna 296 pages of published works, one of the youngest member of Hubei Writers Association's identity, respectively to the Beijing University, Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University, fourSichuan University, Wuhan University, Huazhong Normal University, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) University has posted a total of 9 may attempt its autonomous enrollment materials. Apart from Sichuan University outside the procedure of first instance is not over, Xie Kangna by Huazhong University, Wuhan University, Huazhong Normal University, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) 4 trial qualification at the University of. To do this, Xie Kangna's fatherLetter to the media, "blasted" 4 famous such as Peking University and Tsinghua University "for independent recruitment, it is pinched tip". Questioned father shelling of elite independent enrolment three years ago because of writing long, pingping Xie Kangna was admitted into the affiliated high school of South China normal exam. During high school, Xie Kangna very generally, away from the two universities are not a small gap. But her specialty in literatureRecognition of Chinese teacher Liu Xiaoxia. "Xie Kangna article perspective is unique, great aura, thinking depth higher than their peers. "The Ministry of education had introduced policies:" autonomous enrollment pilot has been launched for three years, and strict management of the University, to review, test highlight innovative practice or discipline in the few exceptional candidates are selected, may refer to their college entrance examination scores, Secondary school and deciding whether to apply to an Admissions Office at the provincial level, such as the comprehensive quality exceptional vote be taken. "Xie Kangna's father Xie Xiangchuan said, because my daughter has" special to literary creation ", so look to the autonomous enrollment. "Outstanding creative talents like my daughter, by the Beijing University, Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University, Wuhan University the examination-oriented education defenders or vested interests, to score as recordedPreparation of standard trial eliminated. "Xie Xiangchuan named by the shelling of the four schools. Xie Xiangchuan believes that daughter was rejected because it was not good. "In a prominent location independent recruitment application form, fill in the application test of the tested subjects in high school grades, test scores, rankings warhammer gold, we can see that many schools audit is not extra long, also is to see results. "As far as I understand, Wuhan University, and Zhejiang UniversityXie Kangna initially expressed interest in, a look at its usual results, have cold feet. 18th rift plat, in the largest independent recruitment interviews, Xie Kangna is the examiner asked about "views on the existing system of college entrance examination", she had expressed similar views with father. This "girl writer" admits they have a prestigious complex, "instead of three, than select the repetition. "Sound art specialtyLack of health evaluation standards and the Soviet Union (member of the writers ' Association in Hubei Province, central China Normal University literature professor): of course we want more literary talents into an elite school for further education, but judging from the current situation, how to judge became the biggest problem. At present, the College independent enrolment to liberal arts students of first instance certain places, but the work also cannot explain the problem, because it did notRigid reference standards. Therefore, students whether or not special talents like Xie Kangna, it is difficult to define. I think the premise is opened up a special channel selection must be rigorous and transparent, accepts a wide range of supervision, so that these can be public recognition, public questioning of parties to resolve. Zhang Caisheng (expert of college entrance examination in Hubei Province): independent entrance, the intention is to make "Longer "students get the opportunity. If after Xie Kangna found literary expertise, should give her excellent record of strong liberal arts school. Judging from the current situation, even if Xie Kangna autonomous enrollment record award, in accordance with current policy, she has at least reached a lot line, may be admitted to school. It should be said that for students tend to go overboard on one or some subjects, this was technically difficult. Link whenYear Ark nor exceptional reporter was informed that Chiang Ching-kuo, 2003 pilot trial independent recruitment in universities so far, brilliant idea there has not been a case of Hubei Province "taken exceptional reduction". The affiliated high school of South China normal Chiang Kai-shek of the Ark, were recorded in the 2008 was down 60 at Tsinghua University; write "most out of writing for college entrance examination" week of the ocean, that year was admitted into the College of the three gorges. In response aoc gold, Jiang FangSenior Chinese teacher Wang Yifang said of the boat, two candidates are admitted to non-exceptional: Chiang Kai-shek Ark entrance examination scores and with the excellent record of 60 points, scores more than was admitted to Tsinghua University in Hubei Province in the year line weekly Ocean entrance examination taken on line.

