
wot power leveling since March 16 - GRD

129742939324218750_291New Shanghai, February 20 (reporter Yu Jun) "administrative measures on hedging transactions on the Shanghai Futures Exchange" 20th, hedging of all listed species from March 16 to implement the "new rules", the original trial involving fuel oil, natural rubber and lead "administrative rules on hedging transactions" such as abolished at the same time. The "new rules" for hedge managementLaw amendments mainly related to: first, hedge trading positions and nearby delivery month of the month distinction; the second is to hedge the actual demand and approval requirements and separation of risk control, General and nearby delivery month of the month is divided into two stages for approval, at the time of approving the General hedge trading positions of the month to meet the actual needs of industrial customers, while in nearby delivery month wot power leveling, To approval focus put in market risk status and customer can for delivery products number Shang; three is implementation has general month sets insurance trading positions and near delivery month sets insurance trading positions of effective convergence, in entered near delivery month Hou, customer must will sets keep cartridge volume reduction to is less than is equal to near delivery month sets insurance trading positions of is bulk; four is adjustment has general month and near delivery monthsHedge trading positions the start date and due date, hedge trading positions opening is extended due date period and repeated use. Under the rules, since March 16, hedge transactions on the new opening; keep after Kurahei cartridge, the corresponding hedge trading positions to continue using. To ensure the smooth conversion of the old and new trading methods, ensure smooth operation,Transition measures: before March 16 had access to copper, aluminum, zinc, gold, thread, wire, and other varieties of contracts, and natural rubber 1208 hedge trading positions of the previous contract, after the market close on March 15 month hedge trading positions into General and nearby delivery month hedge trading positions; lead, fuel oil, obtained by March 16About 1208 and natural rubber and hedge trading positions of the contract at a later time, on March 16 by the original rule revisions before entering nearby delivery month hedge trading positions of adjustment of the contract remain the same, since March 16 by the "new rules" implementation. Introduction of Shanghai Futures Exchange: Member Services system new hedge positions of electronic management system, first in the country to achieve aApplication for members and exchange between hedge trading positions and full electronic approval. As of March 16 wot power leveling, members will hedge trading positions through the electronic management system applications and enquiries and other business, which not only improves the efficiency of approval, helps member query to track customer applications and approvals in a timely manner, facilitating the exchange of comprehensive dynamic grasp of individual customers and marketsGuaranteed transactions wot power leveling, timely and effective detection and prevention in the hedge transaction risk transaction delivery. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

