
wot power leveling .   After adjustment of inflation - ARO

129756500993281250_43Recent messages show United States economy picks up, but if you think that the situation is excellent, it would be foolish.   Historical standards, it was a very slow recovery. Recovery is slow and there are a number of reasons, is the most important household debt entangled puzzle, which is the remnant poison of the bursting of the housing bubble. But one of the important reasons for continuing economic weakness,Is the United States Government at all levels to do a things not to do: cut spending in an economic downturn. In fact, if this devastating austerity measures are not taken, our unemployment rate of almost sure now than Reagan-era "United States spring" similar stage of low.   Note that I say that is the United States Government at all levels wot power leveling, rather than the Federal Government. To understand the spending on Government austerity measures on complexSue has a serious impact, June 2009 "economic expansion in the Obama era" after the number of employment in the public sector and Government spending, and began in 1982 "the Reagan era of expansion" in comparison. First look at public sector employment (primarily State and local government levels, of which about half of the jobs and education-related). The Reagan recoveryStage, public employment 3.1%; but now instead of 2.7%. Second, look at Government procurement for products and services (this individual with the Government transfer payments, such as unemployment, different).   After adjustment of inflation, government procurement during the Reagan recovery increase in the amount of 11.6%, and the 2.6%. Even if theCount of transfer payments, gaps still exist.   After inflation adjustments, the Reagan recovery within the first 10 minutes of a quarter, spending increased by 10.2%, and is only increased by 2.6% in the Obama era. Why the "small government" to call Reagan, government spending will increase so much? Partly because "arms race", but mainly because State and localFor when the Government: education for new children wot power leveling, to promote economic growth and infrastructure investment. However wot power leveling, under the Obama administration, financial embarrassment is for State and local government, have been forced to cut spending. Lower order Government financial constraints, the Federal Government is capable of, should also be given assistance because the Federal Government has been able to borrow money from low interest rates. But the help is alwaysIs utterly inadequate. This policy error is on United States deal double damage. While the United States has no future, because the Government has ignored education and public investment.   Also hurting now, because of lower growth, higher unemployment. If Obama's public employment to increase power and the Reagan era, United States Government employees and teachers than nowMore than 1.3 million people.   If expenditure on civil public employment promotion effect in, than current rough estimate unemployment to about 1.5%, not to 7%, far superior to the same stage in the Reagan era. This comparison is done to remind those who like to take achievements compared to Obama's Reagan conservatives, after the financial crisis of the economic complexSue, was slower than the recovery in General, also, Reagan than Barack Obama and more "Keynesian". But more important is how to make the United States economic recovery accelerated? There's a simple answer. We just need to take advantage of the Federal Government's borrowing costs, and lend assistance to State and local governments so that they can again engage laying off teachers and police � back, and have been deleted orDelay restart of infrastructure, a major step towards full employment.

