
diablo 3 gold only 2 pieces for authenticity - MLT

129764786863281250_219A work of painting and calligraphy, and hundreds of dollars to purchase, send to auction company can take to tens of thousands of Yuan transactions; sent pictures of paintings on the presence of all transactions after the pureed auction company has taken notice to sth For delivering proven veteran, auction industry the "stories", each of them knows, but has maintained a high degree of understanding, never bring sth. out into the open. And injuries are always most in the dark, First experience of ordinary investors, they are difficult to understand, and full of opportunities, is dotted with various traps and he wanted to do. Trap: "hold" cards last year, a newly established auction company in Hankou collection, who lives in ezhou Yan Mr collection 3 pieces of calligraphy and sent many years ago. Half a year later, under the witness of Yan, taken by himWorks with 2 picture deal to $ 8,000 and $ 15,000 respectively. Just when he had joy, but received a call from auction company, informing him of the pureed all 3 work. Not sold yet? Puzzled by Mr yan. Auction company informed that the deal is true, but the buyer fails. Under the Yan argued, auction companies no choice but admit that, because the company established, In order to ensure turnover rate, started the brand, is a company of people. Faced with this reply, Mr Yan urgent air, but reluctantly. Case study: in the art auction market, auction companies before the official shoot are routinely recruited to set preview of publicity, auctions of beautifully printed Atlas. These costs come from? Smart auction companySo impossible to pay for you, of course, wool from the sheep. Some auction companies will be charged prior to sending publicity, catalogue printing costs, prices generally ranged from dozens of hundreds of dollars, "transaction will be charged to the buyer and seller a 100% Commission, and is neither sold nor lose any money". Trap II: a shot fake move in February this year, artCollector Tang Ju said in their Twitter posts, an auction house to shoot a picture of a cold "ceramic jar" oil painting of counterfeit. Leng Jun himself confirmed that he had only painted a picture of a horizontal composition, was taken on the vertical composition not only specification does not like is too rough. Such a thing in the auction house is not uncommon, conduct of the auction house will send out. But falseAs a going concern. Wuhan national collection for auction last year, just a few months, with 9 Qi Baishi's landscape paintings as sent, but the company's expert group on identification, only 2 pieces for authenticity, all returned. But reporter knows, was returned to the works of a number of sites of Qi Baishi, grandly appear in other fields, although ultimately failed to close, but as long as the buyer is slightly effect that onceSold, losses of at least millions. Case study: "current market Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Chang Ta-chien, famous paintings diablo 3 gold, more than 90% is a fake. "An auction company in Wuchang heads very firmly told reporters. With the famous Chinese painting appreciation of the works repeatedly in recent years, and auction houses are having to assume the authenticity of the product guarantee, fakes on the market more and more�� Due to ordinary investors is a fake, and also affect the sound development of the art market. Three traps: network into a mainstream activist is more difficult in the just-concluded, famous auctions website Chung Chao online "digital stamp surge, turnover amounted to $ 3.2 million. Network transactions have become stamps, art investment coins, tickets, and other small items in new ways. Network fieldHas evolved into a mainstream trend. Two months ago, Ms Chan of the coin investments involved, a coin business shop in Taobao photographed 5 2011 Panda coins, "below market price, also thought they made. "A few days ago, when she at the time of collection market ready to flip the coin, was told all is fake. She immediately and contact the sellers, but it is up to each other after a few monthsRepudiation. Case study: whether it's traditional penetration of emerging online auction, authenticity is hackneyed problem. Compared to traditional fields, networks made easy, but has many transport links, once a tripartite pointing a dispute is not clear, responsibilities harder to break, and ultimately loss of consumers. Industry recommends that collectors in addition to their expertise, such as conditional network to their weak, otherAlso need to merchants ask for shopping lists and invoices, appointment follow-up matters to facilitate rights. (Ocean), gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

