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129742939268750000_168Commission reform measures continuously, he asked, to the reform of the system of putting on record IPO comes into focus. Stock is no longer a scarce resource, expanding market will bring short term pain. IPO final where the direction? Road direction decided to reform IPO success. "The securities market weekly reporter honey dew" and "new share issuing could not audit? "The SFC Chairman Mr GuoQuestions to the members of the Tribunal at an internal meeting. Officials with the members of the Committee look was all ears. Since he took power, has been pushing market reforms and bonus systems, disclosure, reform of the system of putting on record is no longer a legend. He asked, immediately raised concerns whether this indicates that China's record IPO's going? ComparisonOverseas mature issuance system, China's future reform of new shares in what direction? Towards the system of putting on record? IPO filing are many mature national system of issuance of new shares in the capital market, a market-leading, by investors judging the new shares can be listed. Securities regulator's job is on the corporate filing completeness, authenticity, accuracy, and timeliness of review.He asked President, follow the overseas recording system reform of China IPO seems to have become the highest voice, many supporters. So, Chinese IPO system can in the system of putting on record? Reform of new shares issued by the audit system, implement a file system on China's stock markets as a whole is a big benefit. University of international business and Economics public policy Institute chief researcher Su Peike has said, "' IPO no it work '? Can, can now fully engage in real market issue registration system. "Some scholars believe that, after the abolition of the system of examination and approval, a large number of companies listed, the stock market price/earnings ratio back to a reasonable level, enterprises will no longer be on the IPO in droves. To the reform of the system of putting on record if the IPO, increasing number of IPO's in the short term, IPO will no longer be a scarce resource, the initialMay be affected by the dramatic increase in IPO size lead to stock indexes fell pain, but as the market choice, improved surely better than it is now. A Hong Kong funds on correspondent says, "overseas, have a complete and strict supervision on capital market constraints and the judicial system, regulate the capital markets of the various subjects, while also protecting the interests of all parties, in particularThe interests of small investors. And also combined with good credit system and supervision mechanism. "These people believe that China does not have such a mature environment, once you blindly follow the record system, may lead to bigger problems. Watson was not opposed to the abolition of approval, an economist, he worried the current stock market institution and cancel the approval of far, only cancellation of listingCollapse of expansion, dazhi after to achieve the so-called chaos is not good enough. Roads and established record of discussion of the direction of more focused on reform of enterprises to enter the stock market, but which also requires road and direction of change in stock-issuing system. "' Could not ' subtext is not, but. Even though the United States will conduct an assessment of the Federal sec, more thanIn judging the real information and the essence of non-disclosure of information, some real audit. IPO reform should strengthen the audit, but not business is good or bad, but an enterprise information disclosure is true, accurate and complete. In this regard, should be constrained by law and sanctions. "The aforesaid fund believe that. At the same time wot power leveling, under the IPO pricing mechanisms, network placementRatios, the supply of new stock on the first day, and so also can refer to a number of overseas models. Foreign release mechanism for a public offering of part of placements can work for retail "one-hand", also has a larger adjustment, flexible call-back mechanism. Jie Jing, guotai Junan securities analyst believes that pricing mechanism is the core of the issue of new shares, and proportions, the first day of placing of new shares under the network forShould all complement each other. One can not keep up, will also cause new issues of scarcity world of tanks power leveling, high still can't solve the problem. Pricing, for example, recommends improved Netherlands bid or an American bid, because it further increases the inquiry on his offer of responsible, on a number of similar elevation shares of non-typical behavior of a certain degree ofInhibitory effects. ����Visible, enable markets to function properly resource optimal allocation of functions at the same time, you also need to perfection of the legal system and regulatory, road and orientation of the building, thereby reducing the power rent space, helping legal compliance of benign development of listed companies. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only world of tanks power leveling, do notConstitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

