
diablo 3 gold maybe have some worry - VZX

129756711712187500_1125Yahoo Sports News Beijing time on March 7, the CBA second match of the semi-finals this season will continue, in the Xinjiang team brought back a win team this time to take charge of the Guangdong Dongguan Bank Arena, has two consecutive home advantage they obviously wish to resolve the fighting as soon as possible. In Xinjiang, core team Battelle says, on the current situation a negative diablo 3 gold, but in XinjiangTeam is not afraid of defending champion, the team will try to play well every game. Today, the beginning of the game, Li Chunjiang discharge SINGLETON, Wang shipeng, Zhu Fang rain, Liu Xiaoyu, and Su Wei's starting lineup, starting with the first Festival, while the team took the lead in a three-part opening in Xinjiang, but Guangdong then immediately go into a match, in the first section in most parts of the game, the Guangdong teamRely on the SINGLETON, Zhu fangyu and Liu Xiaoyu, and regarded the score gap. However competition to the first section to the second phase, score advantage of Guangdong team has gradually been catching up in Xinjiang, seeing the gap is getting smaller, Guangdong has some worried. Game to the last 3 minutes of the first section, seeing Zhu Fang rain has been back 2 times a foul, head coach Li Chunjiang motioned for them to restWang shipeng replace Zhu fangyu end. But it is interesting, maybe have some worry, Zhu Fang rain does not see a change to indicate, at which time the field the ball to the front after the Guangdong team is advancing the attack, Wang shipeng is preparing to follow the team in Central Station site to the front attack, spectators and several referees suddenly found there are six members of the team on the field. Although Wang shipengLater attempted to explain to the referee, but because there is already a six player within the precincts of Guangdong because of this mistake in the end, fined for clock in the first 2 minutes 53 seconds illegal substitution, to the Xinjiang's two free throws. (Editors: Zheng Li) Others:

