
tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling the promulgation of the PV electricity pricing - DJX

129733877386721250_157From 2011 the domestic introduction of photovoltaic electricity prices and boost "Twelve-Five" machine targets can be seen, such as the national development of photovoltaic photovoltaic's intent is clear. "Twelve-Five" PV total 15GW machine, is close to 30% roof PV power plant project are encouraged. In 2012, also pointed out that in the report on the work of the National Energy Board to promoteRoof photovoltaic plant will be the focus, but occupies the roof project with foreign share of the 80% there is still a long way.  As photovoltaic technology appeared, as well as the roof PV power plant economic benefits in the future should raise the roof PV power plant project in China, and leveraging third-party professional services firms to facilitate construction of rooftop PV projects. Rooftop photovoltaic power advantagesIn General, photovoltaic power generation system has two main areas, a large photovoltaic power plants, one roof photovoltaic plant. Roof photovoltaic plant is very flexible, from thousands of Watts to megawatts. Dispersion dispersion and solar roof itself has very match, is the most ideal configuration of resource and energy systems. At the same time, roof PV power plant does not need muchDistance of transmission, energy utilization more than away from the loading area of competitive advantage. Compared with the desertification of large power station, power station construction on the roof to create local value and employment. In Spain, for example, by 2008 Spain mainly dominated by large photovoltaic power plants, large photovoltaic power plants exceeds the ratio of 80%. As many panels are coming from Europe, many voicesBelieves that Spain devoting major efforts to developing large power stations only for other countries to create more employment opportunities. In this regard, 2008 Spain Government made a major adjustment, increase the proportion of the roof PV power plant, 2009 called on roof photovoltaic projects to more than 50%, 20% market share than in the past has been significantly increasing and demand grows, in 2011Year of 67% or more. Projects is a national development focus on PV system on the roof the roof is one of the next important development direction. Institute of national development and Reform Commission, energy, Hu Runqing introduction, over the years, Germany and the United States, and Japan, always will focus its support on the roof PV power plant project. In Germany, PV system on the roof has always been the most important PVProjects in 2006, Germany in the open areas of the large desert zone photovoltaic projects accounted for only 10%, roofs from thousands of Watts of photovoltaic power station to baiqianwa size occupied on the ratio of more than 90% star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling, where the BIPV (building integrated photovoltaic) market share accounted for 80%. 2012 Germany Government cut in subsidies for 15%, but the roof pricing is still clearTop price for the above ground station, and depending on the size scale of price subsidies, that is, the smaller scale photovoltaic power plants to enjoy subsidies for electricity prices higher. Into effect in 2012, Germany for spontaneous use of the renewable energy law of photovoltaic projects in terms of energy policy, spontaneous projects use more than 30% can enjoy boot 4 euro centsStick.  This policy is intended to encourage users to spontaneously use and local production, and not through the distance of transmission and distribution. Domestic policies to promote roof project has been promoting the application of PV power plant construction in China. Since 2009, there are two concession tender, first subsidy per kilowatt of $ 1.09 tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, second per kilowatt $ 0.72-Between $ 0.99 and bid prices are generally low.  Last year, the promulgation of the PV electricity pricing, tariff can enjoy the subsidy of $ 1-$ 1.15 per kilowatt hour, but the price is only a resource area in the West, annual energy output is about economic benefit of more than 1600 hours, if in the southern area, the electricity price subsidy is still low. At present, theCountries primarily through the initial investment subsidies to promote roof PV power plant construction. , Electro-optical architecture application demonstration project subsidies and Golden Sun project focus is on the roof construction of the power station. From the past two years, drive mode, the State will encourage the construction of more optical construction demonstration area of application set, according to the plan, 2012 to promote focused on applications for photovoltaic projects focusedDemonstration zone in 2-3 years to reach the 15-megawatt scale. Introduction to Hu Runqing, gold investment subsidies of grid-connected solar project in accordance with 50%, independent project as 70% subsidies. Three years of project implementation, approval scale equals 1.5GW. In 2009, 642-megawatt, 2010 MW, 2011 megawatts, in recent days, publicApproval of a 600-megawatt project. Needs third-party professional services helps our gold standard for Sun's subsidies are to be adjusted according to the market changes, but in the case of PV market price volatility, how do photovoltaic projects both support and not have profits and bubbles, grasping the project of the State subsidies is quite difficult. Construction of roof lightVolt power station if you are not connected, or the landlord did not demand period, photovoltaic electricity wasted. Hu Runqing said that from a user perspective, three years is approved most of the Golden Sun project in MW, many projects are quite large, exceeding 10 megawatts, and state the initial development of rooftop PV projects there is a big gap between the scale of ideas. Such as Suntech building looksSilicon has a very large, but in fact 700-kilowatt. At present, the State supports in principle the grid-connected users, encouraging spontaneous use, benchmark for excess power produced by coal-fired electricity prices online for sale, power to give full purchase, and requiring the implementation of the project and the owners for the different body through energy management contract signed a long-term agreement, but in fact, the implementation ofMore difficult. You first need to determine reasonable allowances, check the acceptance and to guarantee long-term good running specialized assessments. Hu Runqing says: "promoting rooftop PV projects, be sure to have a third-party professional services firms involved. From project development, site selection, and is supposed to implement a full range of specialized division of labor. Promoting construction of roof PV power plant to go professional service roadWay, without the intervention of third-party services, and hopes that each owner has the ability to develop such a project is very difficult. "In Germany, third party investors to be very professional star wars the old republic commendation power leveling, and is also very mature and widespread, relatively slow development in China. Despite the power grid will agree roof photovoltaic plant's distributed is the future trend of development, but worry that third parties specializationElectric service providers in an area bigger and stronger, become a strong competitor in power supply system. Of course not rule out fear into power supply to provide power only, on electrical safety and cost-but also need power to support taking into account of the situation.

