
diablo 3 gold China Central television post 2012 "3・15" collection order party - JRF

129747273271406250_3 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/gold/aion-kinah/">aion kinah</a>Online shopping privacy and spam text messages into CCTV "3.15" show focus Yesterday, China Central television post 2012 "3・15" collection order party, 1, community-oriented open call for clues to cyber security and privacy. After 2008, CCTV's "3・15" show will once again focus on spam text messages, this is for spam text messages can bring personal privacy issues. CCTV's "3・15" show collection,Format of current cyber registration terms diablo 3 gold, ambiguous language of business guild wars 2 gold, online shopping has brought a lot of trouble. Online shopping shows in detail the goods have served, but half a month has passed not to payment after 22 days, force the removal order without permission. In addition, the spam text messages, harassing text messages and phone calls, email advertising messages are that some consumers ' personal information isMaster, consumer privacy has become "open secret". If there is confusion and annoyance of the cyber security and privacy, you can send email to 12315@cntv.CN or 12315@QQ.com. According to reports, the CCTV this year "3・15" show will also focus on "good faith" investigations focus on violation of business ethics, is contrary to the conscience of the market andHarm case of the order of the market economy. Program group topics are made of chain-wide investigation of all of the way to find and acquire first-hand information and evidence. At present, the CCTV has sent multiple reporters to investigate.

