
swtor valor power leveling police suspected in another crime GetsHuman case - MPG

129733522829221250_62Report from (reporter Yang Xiaogang) a auto rental company Manager, using adjustable rental vehicles in the industry rules, transferred from other companies hire 28 car, together with those mortgages out of others, hold the mortgage bet.  The mega contract fraud case involving more than 3 million Yuan, have already been charged to lianhu District Court a few days ago. On February 7, XI ' an City Public Security Bureau bus station fourTeam leader Liu gang told a press conference swtor valor power leveling, they received a report from several automobile rental company during the last year on new year's day: beginning in 2010, a history of leasing company manager the name of a customer Charter, transferred from company to rent 28 cars. December 30, 2010, a claim to the history of its parent gas poisoning death, Dali old funeral, phone shut down on the same day. Many auto rental companies then proceeded toDali condolences when his mother, found his mother alive, and history and the rental of 28 cars whereabouts unknown. It is understood that the automobile rental industry, the company rented vehicle is a common regulation rules.  Case, destroy this mutual trust between the auto rental company. On January 12, police in Xian Hi Kam Road in a factory and found 12 vehicles。  The investigation tera gold, history of the 12 vehicles are a particular together with other property owners of forged identity documents, vehicle registration certificate and other xianhuisheng pawn shop pawn, the special team that seized vehicles according to law. At this point, the business car rental history in its legal identity, fraud of more than 10 people involved in crime gangs to emerge. During the Chinese new year last year, police suspected in another crime GetsHuman case, February 18 in the capture it.  The next morning, white in Xian arrested another suspect. The investigation, white and others rent confessed to follow the history of a repeatedly involved in the fraud. Civilian police in Dali County, 9 in connection with the vehicles one by one for the recovery of the mortgage. White, who after his arrest, the special team look in Dali County, have identified the other suspect officers andBack to the remaining 7 cars. Last year the "net-cleaning action" after the commencement of special investigation group on September 30 the history some of the main suspects arrested. History when an arrest was from weinan credit cooperatives to raise dairy cows to loans in the name of cheated. On November 9 last year diablo 3 gold, involved a TSE has also been arrested.  Other suspects involved in the arrests. It is understood that the history of 4 people a vehicle to fake-out mortgageAfter you go, eat and drink with a mortgage abusers bet and Gamble in the Casino, and even threw a gold. Others:

