
swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling Zhang Dawei - YER

129724942023988094_102Xinhua (reporter Luo Yufan and Hua Yedi) on January 30 tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, the Central Bank released the 2011 loans from financial institutions into the monthly report, published data from the report, 2011 big reduction in real estate loans, of which more than half of their loans into affordable housing construction. People in the industry are expected, in the context of regulation is not reduced, the loan in order of increasing difficulty,Housing and enterprise financing costs increased, rising costs of personal housing loan, 2012 enterprises financing dilemma is still difficult to break. Reduction near 40% Bank data and statistics in new loans, real estate loans count a total of $ 1.26 trillion for the year 2011, compared with the previous year decreased by 38% to 16.9% per cent of new loans, compared to theYear 8.5%. Chain home real estate principal analyst type builded believes that 2011 Bank on new loans showed a significant decline in real estate area, on the one hand, to combat inflation, the continued tightening of credit policy, lead to total loanable amount is significantly reduced. "Increased Bank reserve requirements for the year a total of 6 times, equivalent to the freezing of funds for the year about 18,000Millions of dollars. Although the end of 2011, central banks cut the deposit rate, but new loans by financial institutions for the year 2011 still representing a decrease of 6%. "" On the other hand, national real estate regulation and achieved significant results, and real estate boom of reduced housing prices decline in house prices, financing difficulties, debts rise under such circumstances, there is a business risk. This would promoteBanking regulation brings increased risk rating levels for the property market, resulting in a total loan amount reduced on the basis of, put in a significant reduction of real estate loans.   "Type builded said. Type builded believes that real estate loans tighten in 2011, meaning that access to bank loans by 2012 and enterprises through rates will remain low. Even if 2012 year of monetary policyStability of pine in expected, continued adjustments in the course of the property market, housing and enterprises financing situation remained critical.   Beijing Zhongyuan market research director Zhang Dawei said, regulation policies unchanged under the premise of, another important factor affecting the 2012 market movements--lending become decisive factors determining the market trend. "For now, developers of the openThe loan has been shrinking, and in 2011 the overall funding ratio of only 15.1%, hit a 6-year low. Reduction in credit lines is the main factor in 2011 appears in the property market effects, in 2012, the impact of this factor will also be expanded.   "Zhang Dawei said. Affordable housing than the ultra-50% statistics show 2011End of affordable housing development loan balances of $ 349.9 billion, annual cumulative increase of 175.1 billion yuan, accounting for over 50.1% real estate development loans incremental, level earlier than 31.7%. Chain home real estate principal analyst type builded believes that affordable housing construction is the main body of local government financing swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling, due to land at your income and local taxes as invisible, Is a bank in the eyes of potential clients, banks more willing to invest in affordable housing construction loans.   In two or three-tier cities, a large number of affordable housing construction adds a regulation of the Government to implement the property market and local economic development between game levels. The land revenue reduction, developers can hardly look after oneself case, financing the construction of affordable housing, building affordable housing for local government financePolitical pressures have eased, also contribute to the regulation of two or three lines in the property market.   2011 subsidized housing loans are loans for real estate development capital, however, 2012 national affordable housing construction target lowered to 7 million sets, and fell by 30% reduction of affordable housing by banks or loan amount allocated to other areas. "This part of the loan amountWould have increased to commercial housing development also depends on the overall real estate regulation policy on 2012 year, the real estate market and developers leverage qualifications and other factors.   "Type builded said. Housing enterprises loan difficulty than ever in 2011, after six times upon the deposit, the Central Bank's monetary policy started a moderate change, reserve requirements at the end of November last yearAppeared cut deposit reserve ratio fell for the first time since 2009.   Along with the monthly CPI rose fell back to 4.1%, inflationary pressures has been effectively controlled, in the context of European debt crisis deepened and exports fell, many experts are optimistic about the further easing of monetary policy. "Leverage reaches historic low, representing real estateIndustry financial pressure jump. "Zhang Dawei, said although the reserve ratio cut for the first time at the end of last year, an increase of $ 400 billion of liquidity in the market, but on the real estate market tera power leveling, financial pressure is still relatively large. In particular, shrinking sales, inventory backlog of cases in most cities, developers will be more and more affected by the narrowing of the financing. Listed company data has beenShowed companies and most of the city is close to or exceeds the amount of inventory record.   At the same time, Zhang Dawei, atrophy of development loans and purchase loans in both cases, developers in particular the funding of small and medium-sized developers unprecedented pressure. Type builded it seems, even if 2012 certain easing in bank credit lines, and affordable housing for lines of creditThe reduction in the use of, but unwaveringly as property regulation policies, housing and enterprises loan difficulty will increase.   Mainly due to the room rate of liabilities ratio climbed sharply in 2011, and because of the price during the year, the value of the stock lower, increased risk of bank loans, real estate development loans during the year will be difficult to increase. Type builded believes that cut larger, especiallyIs a severe restriction policy first-tier cities, the choices faced by the housing enterprises limited. While not excluding some rooms prices from trusts, private equity, private lending and even manner such as to sales of land and equity financing, for most enterprises, however, prices may be the only choice. Opened new real estate prices in the first quarter is expected to be a new decline, with a view to closer to home buyersPsychological threshold, quickly return significant funds to alleviate financial pressures. (Editor: quiet)

