
swtor pvp valor power leveling so can't be the second army - CWR

129733475394846250_41On February 6, 2012, United States Marine AAV7 amphibious assault vehicle groups participate in the operation codenamed "wild Alligator 2012" large scale amphibious exercises. On February 9, 2012, CCTV broadcast the global vision tera power leveling, the United States and its allies of amphibious landing exercises lead to speculation, the following are the programme record: Moderator Lao Chunyan: last daysOne was called "2012 courageous American crocodile" large-scale amphibious landing exercise is United States East Coast, has aroused widespread concern in the international media, focused on several points, 1th, this is the United States Marine Corps and Navy for ten years the largest military exercise, and it is a multinational military exercise with the participation of, apart from the United States beyond the United Kingdom, and France, and CanadaForces in multiple countries to participate in, involving a total of more than 30 naval vessels, more than 20,000 soldiers. Of more concern, some analysts believe that the large-scale amphibious landing exercises and clear to Iran for traces of the enemy, this sword drills really mean Iran? Related topics also are to continue to consult experts, first of all, du gave us aboutAbout it, this is a kind of amphibious landing exercises? Expert opinion: Marine Corps exercise shows the blue ability of ship-to-shore Du Wenlong special commentator: between now and the situation of the reveal is a routine exercise, and the main part of Navy and Marine Corps, from combat on the style or styles of the walkthrough is on amphibious landing exercises, isCombined with the Navy and Marine Corps implementation by a ship-to-shore operation, this action is strictly speaking a blue, represent the special property of the Navy and Marine Corps combat operations, with Marines in the desert, and now doing something completely different in the Valley, this is a return to nature of its combat capability, so it is the first action to seize control and sea powerAir rights. In this case, if all seize the future, to fire on each other's positions and jump on the move, to completely eliminate each other's ability to resist landing or eliminating, in this case, launching amphibious assault vehicles, air cushion landing craft, including helicopters, including MV-22 "Osprey" landing to jump development of player stereo, now is aA action.����Comment: exercise "applies" Hormuz? Expert view: anti-halt anti-us speech in accordance with intervention of military strategy Dr Chun yan: now when the situation in the Gulf so nervous, United States joint allied forces so massive, but amphibious landing exercises, so international media are talking about is not in Iran. High, you feelThis possibility is unlikely? Gao Zugui Professor of International Institute for strategic studies: the possibility is very logical, you think so, observing the United States many of the actions, usually with the guidance of a strategy, then the following is based on the strategy of some complexes, last year's United States has announced its new military strategy, in accordance with the military strategy of the coming importantAnti-block is against intervention, now look at the United States on the security agenda, which constitutes a threat, or most likely to use amphibious landing to do, one of the biggest is probably Iran, because United States Director of National Intelligence Council in the United States Congress also referred to Iran now faces a threat. Now from the scope of its operations, and exercises and the style is clearly a look that is exercise, in Hall woodStrait of Hormuz on Iran implement the styles of landing operations. Lao Chunyan: you talk about style issues, we see United States military positions, said which country does not have to be the imaginary enemy on the one hand, on the other hand United States military generals, this exercise is entirely applicable to the Strait of Hormuz and other areas. Du, from this exercise was also included on the set of waterThe mine, there are small vessels, and also saw that it was from these settings mean? Expert view: United States Navy line up in a hurry to get out of "the second army 's" Du Wenlong roles: from sea to land does have a universal adaptability of capacity, not only is the Strait of Hormuz, including air-sea-one of war in Asia some of the operations envisaged, theAlso fits, strictly speaking this action now on the United States Navy and Marine Corps is too valuable, because the previous evaluation of gates on the Marine Corps Base, now you have become the second army, 45 liuhuangdao, four Marines and a Navy soldier tree banner of riches, that spirit had slowly washed away. Lao Chunyan: piecePhoto is particularly evident. Expert view: the Marine Corps is the United States by land and sea to the protagonist Du Wenlong: tell us the spirit, when the national flag when setting up the Marine Corps will spread the spirit of 500 years, now 67 years, the Marine Corps had in the Valley to engage in this sort of thing, so the spirit has completely disappeared, so can't be the second army, realTransformation, this is a very important requirement. From the entire coastal country in the world to see it, or from the distribution, within an average of 320 km, population 75% swtor pvp valor power leveling, 500 km of the capital of 85%, is the area of coastal is an enrichment of the GDP, is an important strategic area, is to control coastal is to control the world,In 195 countries in the world, without a coastline of about 45, two-thirds of the country has a coastline that is, after this ability, both in the Strait of Hormuz, returning to Asia, to Africa, such capabilities are in place. This choice of venue to the Strait of Hormuz the situation is very similar to mine and small craft, including the guards-90, the drill action and Iran growing atmosphere of confrontation. Comment: the United States Marines in "return to the sea" Lao Chunyan: just now you said long coastline, are actually Marines potential future directions, future purposes, to landing stations. Now United States Marine Corps marine basic training exactly how to do it? NowIs to restore it as a tactical bravery at sea, they are now the strength of what are the basic skills of a kind on the sea? Du Wenlong: United States Marines and equipment of power, this corresponds to the small and medium-sized countries of all land, sea and air combat capability, and, this is unique in the world. But in recent years exceptional it environment as a whole, is treated as aSecond Army, Marine Corps top priority is to get rid of the second army's role in the US military, Gates gave it a basic ability to determine or to be planning the old republic commendation power leveling, operational capability under the conditions of uncertainty, summarizing is a coastal access, and the second is the ability to win a small war, now from delivering the ability to see, from the compositionCapacity is very strong, including shows in our small AAVN amphibious assault vehicles, better technology is not too ripe to carry out, also see hovercraft, high-speed delivery of tanks on the ground. CH-46 helicopters in the sky, including Osprey, including F-18 ability is strong, its Marine Division and the air combat capability, operations, the company also have the ability to supportVery strong, with typical expedition and its offshore combat capacity.����Lao Chunyan: now this is also in line with the US military to enhance the mobility of the target.����Well, we listened to some advertising, and continue at a later time. United States East Coast in full swing this amphibious landing exercises, United States Marine Corps to reproduce the Valor at sea, while the US military is to potentialIssued by an imaginary enemy suggested that United States East Coast surf waves that will stir up the Strait of Hormuz? Thank you for watching today's global vision, bye. (Edit: SN049)

