
said the same day

129668571678593750_76United States next-generation Mars Rover "curiosity", has completed its final preparations before launch, it will be in United States Eastern time on November 26 to go to Mars.  "Curiosity", development began in 2004, a total cost of $ 2.5 billion, is regarded as Mars researchers of the "dream machine". According to United Kingdom the daily mail reported on November 25, United States nationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said the same day, next-generation Mars Rover "curiosity", has completed its final preparations before launch, it will be in United States Eastern time on November 26 to go to Mars to find life on Mars. *** "Curiosity" is designed to search for life, NASA said, next-generation Mars Rover "curiosity" aboard the old republic power leveling, 500 tons of United States KinteGod rockets at United States Eastern time on November 26 from Florida air force base, Qana, Villars point of view to go to Mars, whose main task is to examine whether Mars ever have existed or still exist in favour of microorganism condition analysis of Martian soil samples to find may show signs of life on Mars. "Curiosity", is expected to dropLocation is a layer in the Gale crater near the foot of the mountain, the hierarchy on the hill there is a need of water to form minerals, and the landing site terrain is plain of alluvial fans, the terrain is often formed by alluvial sediment deposition and the flow. "Curiosity" Rover on the surface of Mars, 23 months of work, it will collect and analyze dozens of Martian surface rocks, soil samples swtor power leveling, activitySpace will be much larger than the previous Mars Rover. *** Change of next-generation Mars Rover "curiosity", development began in 2004, a total cost of $ 2.5 billion. United States Mars Science Lab project leader of ashiweini・wasawada at the press conference on 10th may say so, "curiosity" the Mars rovers, Mars researchers"Dream machine". Relative to the "courage" and "opportunity" as the representative of the previous generation of Mars rovers, "curiosity", the length and weight are the predecessors of twice times and 5 times times, similar to the overall size and one car, with plutonium batteries as the energy source. "Curiosity", loading a large number of never before seen in the surface of Mars using high-tech equipment, scientific facilities contain a previouslyMars Rover 10 times.  "Curiosity", has a versatile picker, it is equipped with two devices, you can make soil excavation, sampling and collection work, it can be done by analysis of airborne equipment test samples collected in boxes for surface cleaning and classifying. In addition, weighs 850 kilograms of "curiosity", during the execution of tasks will also be some newChange and innovation. Due to the volume and weight has overturned previous models of the Rover, "curiosity", when landing on Mars ' surface will be a new "sky crane" landing technology. To enter the Martian atmosphere during the Lander's centre of gravity will be changed to get lift, ensuing parachute; after entering the atmosphere, the Lander will be powered by a rocket in the air,And with the nylon rope will fall Rover to the surface of Mars.  Before the "Sojourner", and "courage" and "opportunities", using a combination of parachutes and airbags for landing. Of course, a new generation of Mars Rovers who also retains some of the previous generation of "tradition", such as the six-wheeled design, and at the top of the mast camera.

