
is totally scam. Zhang Wu is nothing more than make up

129667864506552892_495No one in the world know what you want is. Everybody waits for others to tell him what to do, he would follow what to do.   As long as you are very confident to tell them that what they want, they will be grateful to you. --Yang of the mahjong, story liar and a fool/Sinorama reporter Liu Jianqiang foundThe best customers, those with money but tastes do not find fault with small business.   Just as Zhang Wu, Ma Yue ling finds patients who were treated. They were known as "train master", preceded by earlier "national studies", "I Ching", "religious wisdom" can easily lead to modifiers to pay tribute in this country. Most of them resume is unknown, born, in thousandsTalking speech before and won the audience praise. They like to talk about science. They do not hate cars, computers, Internet, mobile phones, modern Western science and technology brings various conveniences such as medical devices, and sees the yin of the Chinese book of gossip "more scientific".   But they usually don't do scientific evaluation. They like to talk about Chinese learning. It is clearThey changed the scope of the study of this discipline.   In the old theory tradition breaking years of country, they have the "Sinology" no better than a more storytelling artists, but they easily did it let people believe that national studies are some of the maxims in old books stories of mysterious language and myth legend. They like to talk about enterprise management. They do not study and the creation of management theory.They are good at using existing case to prove from the "I Ching", "Lao" and fuzzy universal lessons of religion.   They lay, and invincible.   They like one is a title and are willing to fabricate and use them. They like money. They charge high fees. One was called "second brother" "train master" Liu for a second, the "premium course" charge per person$ 300,000.   SME owners are like them.   Government agencies like them around.   Wanted entrepreneurial young people like them.   For many years, they become the major annual meeting, Forum, Governments all over the body of a guest, in different parts of China "trained" thousands of owners, managers of SMEs. Unfortunately, we don't like them。   We think they are different from a person who does not.   Maximalist qigong masters for nearly 20 years, has the supernatural power.   10 years produced numerous salesmen, marketing groups disregard one's own safety success coach.   Recently reduced to civilian health master Zhang Wu, Li Yi, Ma Yue Ling. Their spells from small magic, cheap inspirationalFairy tales, some plants (mung bean and Eggplant), and certain animals (misgurnus anguillicaudatus) replaced with a copy of the I Ching, and half of the Analects, paragraphs of Laozi, a number of Buddhist sutras.   We have no objection to hear swing arms therapy, playing chicken, boiling tea fungus as well as those national political movement, the news continues to Lenovo. We should be ashamed of. In StateIn a variety of "high-end" lip service "master" is far from brilliant, but they were able to keep coming back to openly show contempt for the intelligence of the masses.   How dare they? How dare they. Because the identification ability has always been low. "Even is improving, is not very large. "Has been combating academic fraud, Fang said. "We have no scientific tradition or reasonLiteracy, superstition diablo 3 power leveling, master, expert. A substantial portion of the Chinese people have fall, regardless of (in) form is. "This is not a new argument, but the truth. Education has long been keen to be leading this nation, was told the answer, they are full of zeal, empty their minds. Century, spirit of the Enlightenment were forced to suspend several times, they wereThe wrath of heaven General hovering in place, "master" were simply transform props a bit to make them happy again. Of course, the "master" is not alone in the battle. Those figures and institutions or by social trust (because of their interest) or unintentionally (because of its 构词成分。 thick) for "master" providing endorsement: "miracle" Hu Wanlin and numerous "qigong masters"Writers behind Ke Yun road, followed by the major media of Li Yi and CCTV Director Fan Xin vines (earlier she had written a long article "finding" Hu Wanlin. Placed behind Li Yi Ma may not be fair, but the influence of entrepreneurs who have a very wide and is considered a very high IQ was reported after close contact with Li Yi's response is not appropriate), Zhang Wu followed by television and book dealers."Train master" had better partners. They appear in and including Tsinghua University (with the "qigong masters" strict new cooperation "experiment"), North (Professor Tang Yijie Li Yi's Academy Award Plaques) of famous universities, have co-organized an "executive class", "advanced study class" class, self-styled as "visiting Professor", "Professor", and these colleges and universitiesAn indifferent.   "Master" by government agencies, party schools throughout (did not rule out its hire party venue possible, the same effect) invitations can become more powerful the latter role, as set out in that year as "qigong masters" and group photo with the inscription "veteran".   Gurus like to talk about science, but usually does not make scientific reasoning. Gurus ' customers are the bestCustomers-those who are rich but the taste is not demanding SMB owners. Endorsed provider can always easily get forgiven. This wonderful nation, fantasy life, better forgotten. Who remembers now overwrite "marriages, emotional" writer Ke Yunlu has borrowed "miracle", "Human Sciences" made its money? Who remembers Qian Xue-Sen's "supernatural power to party spirit guarantees the human body is true"? After Li Yi was revealed, and Li Yi in Phoenix "on the road," Dou Wen Tao, Liang Wendao there is no apology, only a strong defence. Li Yi writes that the world is that of the immortal Fan Xin vines said: "even if all his (Li Yi) slander is true, but I do not believe that what's wrong? "She did not" how ". Even the "master" himself,Have rarely been investigated thoroughly. "Qigong master" carry money flee in all directions, Zhang Wu, Li Yi all to nothing. In 2008 for alleged "spirit MLM" banned "meeting manpower technology limited" in 2010, was renamed "meeting international" born again, company does not deny history, and said "better than before", the website Home high Mount "of Chinese peopleApproved by the Ministry of human resources and social security of the Republic of CETTIC ". "I am very angry is the Administration regardless. "BA" Guoxue master "Zhai Hong Ho called the" culture of melamine, "said Professor Zhao Shilin Central nationalities University. "Zhai ' Professor ' is full of fake, is totally scam. Zhang Wu is nothing more than make up, filthy lucreWere made diablo 3 gold, agency, who packed the hype his childcare, without any legal responsibility. "" Some people ("train master") more than a year or two, red dirty, it is a little function. Just as healthy food, they eat dead, how much you have on the health effects of short-term it was difficult to see, but finished well, confidence, and is a feature that is exaggerated efficacy. "Beijing University Professor, He Zhiyi, Director of Xinhua business school attitude mild. "We said at the search who speaks Chinese well, Chak (Hon Ho) in our eye. "Investigating" master "liability may be difficult," master "," self-cultivation "is probably a tiger. Well, we agree with Dr Fang's attitude: "I didn't want to goChange them, I want to change is the audience.   "" Professor Chak, "it is only recently, Zhai Hong Ho shouted" Taoist natural law to every day by law road "was stopped at the airport in play only DVD. In 2010, in a speech, Chak seemed to feel free to mention: "me the disc at the airport, they told me that sales rankings champion for six consecutive years. ”CIIC Xinda international science and technology limited company is Chak "dish" one of the publishers. This is a to organize training and product-oriented companies make audio books. The company agent Yu Shiwei, Zeng Shiqiang, "master" of audio-video products, has invited Li Yi made for entrepreneurial training and Li Yi of the wisdom of keeping discs. CIIC Xinda Tan Zhiwen, Deputy Chairman, insisted that Zhai HongHo is in 2008 after signing with the company is "fire", "fire for 3 years.   "Also, in his view, the airport playback of DVD is the first Sino-Chilean cedar. In any case, Chak DVD sales of the great wisdom of remarkable, has sold the "100,000". "This is a record," said Tan Zhiwen, "economy and single product did not exceed it. AA teacher has sold 35,000 boxes a year is extraordinary. "Dr Tam said," a little bit famous teacher, background are millions. General teacher baibashiwan incomes is normal in a year.   "He called intellectual Xinda in training in the audiovisual market share to 60�70% up. "Teachers are the leading position of two or three years," Tam said, "singer (with) a song, the fire blew up,Accumulation of teacher content, too, the most essential is those things, if you want to update, only slight adjustments on this basis, the main structure is unchanged.   "As a result, Chile Xinda contracts checked on-site lectures and lecturers are generally 1-3. Chak cycle has not yet past. Chak, still affected by government institutions (such as propaganda), party schools, training institutionsInvite, schedule is very tight.   On various occasions, Chak was described as "Guoxue master, advocate and evangelist of the traditional culture in contemporary China, economic and cultural scholars, of China international talent, Dean of engineering, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing University, United States National University Visiting Professor". April 30, Chak lectures ran into trouble in Kunming.One network name "left mounds of the blind" of local youth and his friends came to the scene before the opening, handing out leaflets. Flyer wrote: "this person's so-called title, gaining fame by deceiving, origin of suspicious! This person's so-called theory, bruising bianti, disregarding specific conditions! This person's so-called value, thick black shameless, corrupt personality! This person's so-called success, manipulative evil, extreme! ThisJianghu MLM cheats Zhai Hong�, what do you want to talk to him? "Leaflets and accompanied by the words" how to identify charlatan ", extract is as follows:" 1, the so-called cow, master, must carefully research the title. 2, its own antecedents are not aware of, in the face of questioning what "Qing Qing who has" refused to respond, do be careful. 3, to introduce a common sense, United StatesSchools may register any pheasant university diploma, very simple. Tang is a typical Western Pacific University, Zhai Hong� of the United States National University, as well a pheasant University. 4, men who would only say since refused to debate, always saying the right nonsense, do be careful. "At the same time, a surname blindness and sponsor personnelDialogue, and the video upload to the network. A surname blindness requires sponsor to verify the identity of Chak. In the case of camera failed will not get away and blocked each other, and sponsor officers asked: "you are today to be playing with the underworld that?? Means you were not to my face?? Mean this muddy water you have to go? "" The definition of a triad society is terrible, "a surname blind backAnswer, "if it is that the triads, those journalists do not do?   "With" Zhai Hong� "named in Baidu tieba, Chak, advocates the use of language than" sponsor "the vulgarity of much worse. "Haven't seen Chak himself," a surname blindness on the entrepreneur said. "Impossible to see. "In a surname before the blind, in August 2010, the CentralProfessor Zhao Shilin National University has written an article refuting Chak, the title and content of speech (see Zhao Shilin blog "cultural fake series of three ' studies of applied masters ' Zhai Hong�"), but the impact is not it. Zhao is the guidance of Li Zehou's first PhD students, for entrepreneurs, also taught Chinese studies. Earlier, in March 2009, the journal of Chinese culture in the see another "Guoxue master"Reports to verify the performance of the title of Zhai all false and United States National University (Shanghai University) informal nature. Spread about Chak, another profile on the network, the same unidentified: formerly known as Zhai Xiaode, Zhai Jinghua. Jilin people?? 1997 has been gangis fled to Beijing to participate in pyramid schemes, it was renamed Zhai Hong�. A third argument is that Chak, formerly weeksHon Lam. The entrepreneur reporter Chak "talk about experiencing", Chak made cash payments over the phone to answer: "what in the past, no point.   "He told us that it is" Professor Chak "no table object. Zhai Ceng mentioned several times in the classroom and lecture they "grew up in force", and from the blueprints of the Analects and other books. In the great wisdom, Chak claimed grew up in Changchun, ChangchunPeople in the Park, "I saw an old man often appear there, the man gray, a look at his behavior is different from ordinary people, when I saw it, it is certainly someone? Smart people. He play taijiquan is beautiful, he read books are written in vertical. I'd like to get close to him. Finally one day chance to do that. It rained on the day, he walks very anxious to beat them onceBoxing watch hanging on the tree right came down there. I'll take down the table on the climb up the tree. The next morning when he came to, I said grandfather, your watch to you. At the time I haven't elementary school. That he squatted down to chat with me, touch me on the head, and talk to me for a while. He says you are the baby Hui root very well, I would like to charge you for?? Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism cultureClassic I was just back, met him before he runs through these things to me. And he not only lead you to the pursuit of the birth of truth, also continues to tell your method of access to WTO. There was no marketing, a marketing concept, and he tells me method to make money, tell me the money was to act as a general equivalent special commodity, used to cross-Change how seriously?? In the five grade I last semester, I remember that I led a group of young man, a holiday we make the money, and some of us, one more than more than 3,000 dollars, at that time my father has been Director of the Office of party Committee, and he only 72 dollars a month's wages. So when I was in junior high school is ten-thousand-Yuan a year household sth

