

129667837336240392_74Mining in Tibet (000762) on November 24 announcement, the company proposed Monetary Fund $ 10 million capital increase shares of tianfu commodity exchange limited, 5.56% per cent stake. Mining in Tibet on this announcement, the State Council on rectifying various trading venues decision effectively guard against financial risksAlso released at the same time.   Acquisition of tianfu exchanges, mining in Tibet would face certain risks? Questioned for securities times swtor power leveling, Tibetan mining secret Tung said, in fact, to avoid financial risks the old republic power leveling, tianfu exchanges have been made to a range of trades and a strict limit. All trades, are limited to cash transactions within the scope of not introducing futuresTransactions, which is to a large extent, control the risks. In addition, the believed tianfu Exchange's legal status has been officially recognized.   Bulletin show that was founded on September 22, 2011 exchanges established by the Sichuan provincial government approval of the Finance Office. It is understood that the tianfu commodity exchange by Tibetan medicine (600,211), Southwest United property right transactionsHas, Huiyuan Group Ltd Company initiated. Exchange registered capital to $ 60 million. Scope of business is steel, chemicals, building materials, nonferrous metals, minerals, herbs, agricultural products (000061) commodity contracts traded markets such as management and intermediary services. The second shareholder resolutions in Exchange, all the shareholders agree new share capital 1. $ 200 million, will increase the total share capital to $ 180 million. The existing shareholders do not participate in this replenishment, new equity shareholders invested 10 million dollars per family, and equal legal status of the existing shareholders.   The Tibetan mining shares, which stems from the decision of the shareholders ' meeting. Under the State Council on rectifying various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision requests the provincialPeople's Governments must immediately set up a leading group, the establishment of working mechanisms, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and decided to request, in accordance with the principles of dependency management, to various trading venues the local area to conduct a centralized rectification. And this is not the first time in China and straighten various trading venues. Last century 90 's, domestic futures market has evolved from the early state of development of disordered to orderedAfter rectification, hundreds of futures exchanges last reduced to 3. Guangdong Province of southern culture property Exchange General Manager Zhang Zhibing believes that this reorganization is timely, to blindly follow the trend of building exchanges around the containment of chaos. "Judging from the current development situation, around the text of the Exchange in particular there is a feeling of rushing headlong into mass action by the Exchange. Furthermore, Exchange cityField if you do not have access to mechanisms and thresholds, not conducive to the long-term healthy development. "He said.

