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129667840406396642_2The European debt crisis broke out in December 2008, and after two years of fermentation, has not as of yet another round of EU discussing rescue measures and become better off, but find that you need to be "blood transfusion" an increasing number of States, from Greece to Belgium, then to Spain and Italy, now even one of the largest economies in the EU, France also began to be debtThe shadow. In Europe, because the evolution of the European debt crisis from escalating, the European capital markets every day are interpreting the rollercoaster market, and in turn, affect the rest of the world's capital markets, China's a-share market has been "implicated" included, although when China follow European and American stock markets perform to SB. 's baton when domestic experts that China's stock market was EuropeScared of the debt crisis. But that was clearly not the case, as is widely regarded as China's stock market is still a relatively closed markets, they also have to admit that the stock market has become one of China's economic changes "barometer". When European countries tangled in a debt trap and find a solution to the time, the EU economy is starting to affect China's macro economy, European debt crisisForced has become a catalyst for China's economic transition. European debt crisis the essence of why a single country in Europe's debt crisis would become a sweeping through Europe's debt crisis, why again this year in the United States debt crisis occurred, this all seems to be Europeans and high-speed consumer lifestyle in the past decades off won't really matter. "It consumes too much of some countries of the European Union,And the Government's tax policy is not effective in several countries in debt crisis, evading many; at the same time European people lived a prosperous life, the Government's fiscal spending too much, the debt is much higher than the revenues, which are associated with the global financial crisis and Europe's debt crisis. "Analysis of Zhang Chun pointed out. But the European debt crisis and American debt crisesThe difference, Zhang Chun also said that the United States is a sovereign country, their fiscal and monetary policies were unified, so the solution to the US debt crisis does not need to coordinate multiple economic interests. While the EU is a big economy, in this economy, economic performance was very different in different countries, some countries ' economic development is very good, such as Germany and France, and some countries of southern Europe's economic performanceMore bad; in fact, over the past ten or twenty years, Germany had the entire State welfare policies reduce the standards, while also focusing on the real economy, strong export performance, economic disparities between European countries has led to in resolving the standoff when the European debt crisis. In accordance with the relevant data show that by the end of 2010, Italy public debt in grossProportion of 119%, well above the horses at the hete 60% ceiling under the Treaty, in the States of the European Union after Greece 142.8%. In addition, Italy weak economic growth, weak export growth trend, import commodity prices, poor economic environment makes Italy the crisis worse. As the euro zone's third-largest economy, analysts pointed out thatTai Lee of paramount importance in the European economy, in the event of default, market impact is far from Greece and other countries comparable. At the same time facing debt defaults also has the fourth largest economy of Spain, if the two countries into debt crisis not to financing from the market, the other EU countries do not have enough forces to rescue Italy and Spain, euro-zone may fall apart。 In the view of Zhang chun, if Europe's sovereign-debt crisis core countries, investments have to be reversed in the global market, withdrawal of funds from stock markets, commodity markets, entering the sought refuge in the precious metals market, which could lead to clear fluctuations in asset prices might trigger a new round of financial crises. "I think in the long run, if multiple rescue measures have no effect, and GreeceNot willing to reduce their welfare swtor power leveling, then perhaps the EU will leave the eurozone Member States ready, but because such as Greece or Italy their debts are large enough, already too big to fail, the EU Member States in the bailout game between, possibility of failure is still very large. Separation of defects of the EU itself is the financial and monetary, fiscal unity, Meant that the Government be unified, but this is not possible, just currencies now the old republic power leveling, so the case is just a matter of business. "Analysis of Zhang chun. China should aid in the European debt crisis, European leaders have been to China aid, whether it be from the earlier Government stance, or the latest table state leaders at the G20 SummitState, suggests that a principle, China will not unconditionally help these countries, above all, European debt crisis can be resolved, and you can see glimmers of hope, secondly if rescue, China needs to get themselves want. "Do you want to help the EU countries, China, I think it is not entirely impossible, although we can see that in fact the domestic public opinion for the assistance of the EuropeanThere is a lot of comments that, in the country there are many things to do, but put up the money to bailout into financial difficulty because of luxurious life Europe obsolete. Recently the Europeans were prepared to establish an assistance fund, which took some of EU countries, other parts of the participation of other countries in the world capital, China might consider risk participation under controlled conditions, but only ifIs the European country to recognize China's market economy status, as well as allowing some Chinese enterprises in the European mergers and acquisitions, on the premise of ensuring that China has access to participate in relief and no. "23rd, Zhang Chun also told this analysis says. In the view of Zhang chun, today's China and Europe, as are the two extremes, China also has its own development faces many problems, one side isDomestic of domestic demand always sluggish, Government is rich, but people no money, they can't spend; another side in past of ten years in, EU national of people is enjoy to is high of welfare, they of medical, and education, and endowment are has Government bear most, this led Government to paid people needs and was "cut empty", some national even appeared name Shang of "bankruptcy",Only the people of Europe is not exactly short of money, but they have got used to the advantage of high consumption ways, such as Greece, and Belgium, and Spain, and so on, now, to let them tighten its belt over tough times, was not an easy task. Similarly, in China of the people daring to domestic spending, is not easy thing, when the Government for the welfare and security of the people still do itWhen not in place, how they would like to assure the consumer. Therefore, to let both the world's largest economy out of a rebalancing of the road, it might take longer than ten years and even longer. (. China.. time... gold. Hua)

