
swtor credits clear audit requirements are as follows FNW

129667864314209142_8Transactions is the subject of change both of the two conditions can be considered not to constitute a major adjustment securities Times reporter Xiao Buo proposed significant asset restructuring of listed companies in the transaction object, transactions subject to change swtor credits, you should generally how to determine whether the restructuring plan constitutes a major adjustment?  The China Securities Regulatory Commission in yesterday's official website "FAQs" section gives the answer. ShangSignificant asset restructuring company management procedures in the 27th article intends to trading of listed companies, transactions subject to changes, constitute restructuring plan a major adjustment, should carry out procedures such as Board of Directors, general meeting of shareholders to consider again. For how to determine whether constitute a major adjustment problems of restructuring programmes, the SFC combined audit practice, clear audit requirements are as follows:Trading, listed companies proposed increasing the trading after restructuring plans in the notice, to restructuring programmes should be considered to constitute a major adjustment, need to carry out the relevant procedures. Announcements of listed company after restructuring plan intended to reduce transaction object, where the parties agreed to the transaction object and its share of the underlying assets held by excluding a restructuring programme, and after removal of underlying assets as described in the followingRequirements do not constitute restructuring plan a major adjustment, can be considered not to constitute a restructuring plan a major adjustment. On trade, announcements of listed companies after restructuring plan intended to change the transaction object, as both of the following conditions may be considered not to constitute a restructuring plan major changes: first, the proposed increase or decrease the total assets of the transactions of underlying assets, net assets and business resumptionInto account for the original proportion of the total assets of corresponding indicators are not more than 20%; second change of underlying assets on the transaction object operation does not constitute a substantive influence, including effecting transactions underlying asset and business integrity. SFC clear, from the date of the FAQ was published, released on August 2, 2010, questions and answers "restructuring plan you can not disclose transactionObject? Major adjustment transaction object during the rearrangement of assets shall perform the kind of program?  "Failure and netting on the same day. Based on the questions and answers on August 2 Diablo 3 Power Leveling, 2010, a listed company in the restructuring plan to increase or decrease the transaction object should be considered major adjustments to the programme, need to carry out the relevant procedures. This means that with the 23rd SFC "frequently asked questions"Published finds relaxed restructuring plan a major adjustment of listed companies. The industry believes that this will help to improve the efficiency of asset reorganization in listed companies.

