
announcement made by the Central Bank

129667864475459142_416According to the Central Bank website news, finance, the people's Bank scheduled for the morning of 29th of this month in 2011 the central State Treasury cash management bank time deposits (11 issues) bidding. Action $ 60 billion for the current period swtor power leveling, period of 6 months (182 days). Market participants said Treasury cash deposit from rare to tender twice a month, highlights the authorities maintain the steady bank liquidity, Easing tensions in the small and medium-sized bank deposit and loan than intent. 10th of this month, finance and the Central Bank for a year the tenth issue of the State Treasury cash deposit tender. Operation period of 6 months of the current period, operations amount to $ 60 billion, compared to past actions have increased 1 time. When operation volume changes have drawn market attention. Analysts believe that the authorities move to commercial banks on the one hand transport flowsTo hedge against the base currency to inject the decrease in the open market on the other, also in commercial bank lending restrictions, especially the small and medium banks of some loan than indicators deteriorated, because small and medium-sized banks is the main Treasury deposit usually "buyers". 24th, announcement made by the Central Bank, announced that it will, together with the Ministry of finance, 29th and 60 billion yuan 6Monthly Treasury deposit tender. Treasury deposit since the launching of the tender, which is conducted twice a month for the first time tenders, and one-month operation totals $ 120 billion, equally rare in the history. Surface tension combined with funds and present situation of small and medium-sized banks are subject to loan index star wars the old republic power leveling, market analysis has been further verified. (Zhang Qin Feng)

