
Diablo 3 Power Leveling city social Secretary Yang Qin - XMG

129667750420302892_24 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3-gold/">Diablo 3 Gold</a>Report from (reported by reporter Chen Xiang) yesterday Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Guangzhou City Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress focused on social security inspections. Municipal party Committee Organization Department, city social Secretary Yang Qin, Vice Minister at the Forum revealed that currently just had policy in Guangzhou, "double open" people (from the party and public) can refer to endowment insurance policy of early sea officers enjoy the old-age insurance benefits, as long as in accordance with the politicalPolicy, payment of a fee, to enjoy the old-age insurance benefits. In addition, the reporter was informed that star wars the old republic power leveling, on track to meet the basic medical insurance in Guangzhou urban and rural areas. Xu Shangguo the old republic power leveling, Deputy Secretary for introducing Guangzhou people Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the next step focuses on integration of urban and rural residents in old-age insurance system, the integration of agriculture into UN-Habitat staff pension and basic endowment insurance system for urban workers. Speed up the integration of urban basic medical insuranceInsurance process and the new rural cooperative medical system, implementation of basic medical insurance in urban and rural areas Diablo 3 Power Leveling, phasing out dual structure in urban and rural areas. He said that Guangzhou will continue to adjust to improve the treatment of social insurance swtor power leveling, narrowing the gap between treatment of different groups. Reporter was informed that the City Council drew up the basic medical insurance in Guangzhou City and countryside overall plan implementation of the programme of work, related departments opinion is being sought.

