
Diablo 3 Power Leveling zinc KYJ

129667840498271642_228Editor's Note: authoritative channel was informed that a few days ago, non-ferrous metals Twelve-Five planning upcoming, small metal for strategic support, related stocks worth watching closely. Nonferrous metals Twelve-Five planning to publish small metal will be supported, this reporter recently was informed that the non-ferrous metals industry "Twelve-Five" plans have been finalized and submitted to the Ministry, after it has been checked in the near futureCloth. In addition to the global budget and structure adjustment in the planning, it also tungsten, molybdenum, Tin, antimony, rare earth, etc, the strategic development of small metal made special plans, and proposed to build a complete national reserve system. Global budget and structure adjustment of a Deputy Chairman of China National nonferrous metals industry association told this reporter that the non-ferrous metals "Twelve-Five" have been finalized and the planSubmitted to the Ministry, after completing the ministries signing, the Ministry will be officially released. Under the plan, "Twelve-Five" period, the general idea of the non-ferrous metals industry will meet domestic market demand-oriented, make full use of two kinds of mineral resources at home and abroad, to develop the recycling economy, strictly controlled melting blind expansion of production capacity, and resolutely eliminate backward production capacity, increasing innovation, promoting theAdjustment of industry structure and the optimization and upgrading. Among them, the plan for "Twelve-Five" during metal production capacity made the total control of the target, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, nickel Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Tin, ten kinds of commonly used non-ferrous metal production will be controlled at the level of just over 40 million tons. From now on, China Nonferrous metals industry to focus on controlling duplication of smelting capacity-building. In the eastern region will strictly limit smeltingCapacity-building, and guide it toward Western resources (600,139) from close up. According to the information released by the national development and Reform Commission, the first three quarters of this year, ten non-ferrous metals production 25.86 million tons, an increase of 11.2%. Therefore if in accordance with the planning figures, growth in Chinese non-ferrous metal production capacity expansion in the next five years will be significantly lower than at present, the compound annual growth rate of only about 5%.To control the total amount at the same time, the plan also proposed promoting product added value, the development of downstream processing industry. Key support for strategic metals will be particularly affected by the plans for strategic metals of concern. It is learnt that the tungsten, molybdenum, Tin, antimony, rare earth metals will be colored, such as "Twelve-Five" framework, separate into articles. Apart from the reference in the plansContinue to total control, it also proposed the establishment of a complete national reserve system. "Although the State reserves of non-ferrous metals following one after another, but this is actually a complex system. ' Twelve-Five ' during the plan to build a complete storage system, achieve effective use of resources and protection. "Association of non-ferrous metals industry insiders told reporters. The currentSmall metal variety, only rare earth formally proposed the State reserves, the rest are brewing. In May this year by the State Council issued the Declaration on promoting sustainable and healthy development of rare earth industry opinions, content, re will implement the national reserves and the enterprise (business) reserves, reserves and resources in kind () the combination of reserves, a strategic reserve. Rare earth State reserve at present by the packageRare earth steel (600,111) as the subject of implementation, the company had earlier won the baotou in Inner Mongolia and two levels of government subsidy of $ 10 million a year. However it now seems shouchu seem to lack of system planning of baotou steel rare earth, nor to stabilizing effect on the volatile market. Establishment and perfection of State grain reserve system swtor credits, is very necessary. Metals marketSo circumstances now, unrest, from macroeconomic shadow still hangs over metal markets at home and abroad, particularly base metal prices were suppressed. Jiangxi copper (600,362) and the Tongling non-ferrous metal (000630) executives told reporters also, sales of a hit, but overall is quite smooth. Small metal occurred after the fallDifferentiation. W-SB-stabilised zirconium germanium for two consecutive weeks, but foreign market demand remains weak, follow-up should be dominated by sideways. Titanium electrolytic manganese industry overcapacity, and those of the early production more profitable, a lot of inventory in the industry, so prices have fallen considerably in the near future, many SMEs have been discontinued. (. Last.):

