
Diablo 3 Power Leveling NetEase sports Zhang Qiang on September 25 of Wuhan reported BRI

129615068040156250_2251NetEase sports Zhang Qiang on September 25 of Wuhan reported: Beijing time on September 25, Chinese men's basketball team victory 70:69 Jordan, get this AFC Championship, advancing to the Olympic Games in London. Afterwards the Jordan coaches and players pointing the referee, Jordan coach Baldwin considered last minute penalty unfair. This fieldThe game, Jordan played tenacious, last-minute to put great pressure on Chinese men's basketball team, Jordan and almost winning the match. On the field, Jordan coach Baldwin would take it that the referee is unfair, his expression is very angry. Press Conference after the game, Jordan players and coaches all point the finger at referee. Jordan player, 7th abudela said:, "The game played very intense, we met the best team. The last minute Diablo 3 Gold, we appear a number of opportunities, but we are missing. Also, the referee last sentences also have problems. Overall, this is a very exciting game, we must look forward, to continue its efforts in the future, possible Olympic fallsSelected game playing well. "Gentle when Baldwin express their minds, it is very elegant," thanks to the media here, thanks to Wuhan and China Diablo 3 Power Leveling, they are great for China. The past eight years, every time I come to China, feel better and better, to be here to play, be our pleasure. "Speaking of thisThe game, Baldwin comments says, "this is a very difficult match, Chinese defended very well, and they are more let one attack. However, we played very well, Rahim (TE) making a very good attack, our defence is not bad, they more outside hand. Overall, gameWe play is not good enough. Before the game, nobody thought we could win, but I'm sure. Competition was intense, I somewhat speechless, I'm sorry, sth " Was asked after the match ended in a 20-second penalty, Baldwin has more or less just, "do you really want to know? If I say, I think it is fair. Because is related to a magistrate, I cannot say too much, but I think it is fair. Including blowing our bench seats technical foul on that occasion, I do not think it is fair. I don't think it's the referee's discretion issue, you have to ask them. ��

