
with red SWTOR Credits with red - UUTK

129809647128336250_278Information on eight banners of the eight banners: divide the eight banners in Manchu eight banners in Qing dynasty, Mongolia eight banners and hanjun eight banners, which the Manchu eight banners, Mongolia eight banners is the main body of cavalry, their ordinary soldiers are divided into three grades Diablo 3 power leveling, horsemen, soldiers and shoubing, pay reduced in turn. Manchu eight banners were mounted with yellow, yellow, white, red, with white, with red, blue, with blue eight sections. Please note that the aboveThe order is not free to write, but the Manchu eight banners from high order to low order, by another row is left-wing, left-wing mounted with yellow, white, and blue, with white, the right wing is yellow, red, with red, with blue. On the eight banners garrison in old Shenyang city map is very clear and is high on the status of the North is white, zhenglan County, set white flag are yellow, in the West, East is red, with redFlag insert is set in the South Yellow Sea and blue flag. This line and the formation of the Manchu eight banners formed the relevant, 13 of the Qing emperor nurhachu left over from the earliest fathers armor to declare war, conquering the Manchu tribes had established a force around the home (black flag), and then receives a large number of tribes near the formation of a new flag (red flag), nurhachu is their original units (black flag)To the brothers shuerhaqi, their captain a new flag (yellow flag), later he embody the strength has a lot of Manchu Hada, Hadad is large, not included in the original two flags, so build a third flag (white flag), flag-white flag the main (Baylor or King) is the eldest son of nuerhachi Chu Ying. Due to the power struggles in the future, shuerhaqi and Chu Ying has been killed, a white flag was divided intoThree: zhenglan County (21 were recorded in the cattle, bovine recorded the full Manchu, the same below), is the fifth child of nuerhachi Mang Gourtay, his reputation as a fierce, Huang taiji had to Mang Gourtay kill his mother to his atrocities. White flag (18 cows were recorded), the flag is the eighth son Huang taiji nuerhachi. Insert the white flag (15 cattle were recorded), the flag is Chu Ying eldest son duDegree. Black flag is a is divided into three: are red flag (25 a cattle recorded), flag main is Noor hachi of second generation good, insert red flag (26 a cattle recorded), flag main is generation good eldest son Yue Tuo, insert blue flag (33 a cattle recorded), flag main is shuerhaqi of son Amin, he is Imperial Tai Chi killed off Hou flag main to shuerhaqi of son jierhalang; Noor hachi themselves captain of yellow flag also is divided into II flag:Are yellow (45 a cattle recorded) and xianghuang banner (20 a cattle recorded), began Noor hachi themselves Pro-Commission two yellow flag, in his later years will Pro-Commission two yellow flag of most min grant step of three a youngest son (ajige, Dole gun He Duoduo), per person 15 a cattle recorded, remaining themselves captain as Pro-army, he has a clear of indicates: ajige is xianghuang banner flag main, more big Bell is zhenghuangqi flag main, future themselvesDeath, Commander Army full of yourself to big Bell, but will give a flag to dorgon. Some historians believe that this was his heir of which are dorgon established the open declaration. Military because this assignment step three brother ajige, dorgon He Duoduo Commander forces possessed great advantage. No other brother can be compared with them. But this indulgence can be badTo play, it also makes other brothers (nurhachu 16 sons) to unite against the three brother ajige step, dorgon He Duoduo. Dole at this time a 9 gun He Duoduo, a 8 year old, where is a brave and skillful in warfare, opponents of the brother and nephew of vicious cruelty. Nurhachu died, he has mounted flag-white flag main Du Du to insert a red flag, preparing for this flag to dorgon. Prof YunusHachigang death, sons began competing for the throne. Due to the aforementioned reasons, ajige step three brothers, Dole failed gun He Duoduo Diablo 3 power leveling, the mother was killed, dorgon is not the throne, but keep their 15 cattle were recorded, and owned by brother ajige, it is the strength of the second flag-white flag of Emperor Huang taiji had become, and Huang taiji took possession of the insert whiteFlag, flags of Mr Hogg was the son of his master, when the Emperor officially, set white flag are white and renamed it is yellow and the xianghuang banner, said he led was yellow and the xianghuang banner is not correct, is yellow and boss of the xianghuang banner, he could not take over, other flags also will not agree. Not only cannot be taken away, Huang taiji publicly vowed not arbitrarily seized flags of other followers of the Lord were recorded in the cattle,Were recorded in the flags of the guilty were punished by being produced under cattle, Niu Lu is also produced in this flag can only be assigned to the flags of other leading Baylor. Narrative has been mentioned on the front of the yellow and the xianghuang banner is the minimum strength of the two flags. Huang taiji also cannot be said respecting to the South and do whatever they want. In order to grow strength, overbearing brother, Huang taiji of the talent not only failed to kill the three step brother ajige, Dorgon He Duoduo, instead of trying to win over the three young man, because they are white lead and mounted with a white flag (original is yellow and the xianghuang banner) strength, especially after the big Bell inherited his father's army, to be the greatest is a white flag, but he was only a boy of 11. Huang taiji after trick set blue flag has killed the main Idi Amin and zhenglan county primary is Mang Gourtay, Annexing the zhenglan County, the zhenglan County and their zhenghuangqi mixed and then split, forming new yellow and xianghuang banner, from Captain yourself, which also ceded part of cow power to his son, Mr Hogg recorded growing strength, Mr Hogg xianghuang banner was renamed zhenglan County, xianghuang banner strength changes was a new minimum. In order to consolidate the status, Huang taiji was white and insert the white flagAdopting a differentiated approach, first to scrap off old exploits ajige flag of high status, with a 14-year old teenager dorgon mounted with a white flag, when Dole after a gun He Duoduo grew up, carp set white flag are white and mixed, with dorgon as being a white flag, big Bell mounted with a white flag. But due to historical origins, set white flag are white and it is quite the unity and strength is the eight bannersOf 2nd and 1th bit, more big Bell governs of cattle recorded too more, he to that a flag, the flag is eight banners of maximum a flag, Imperial Tai Chi died Shi, is he of Home World plans for to most key of moments, he and he of son Mr Hogg a total 117 a cattle recorded, is eight banners of first large forces, three brothers ajige, Dole gun He Duoduo is has 98 a cattle recorded is is eight banners of second large forces,Old daishan (his son Yue Tuo is dead, so good and its two red flags) and jierhalang has recorded 96 cattle are eight middle powers. Set white flag rank and collar details table of the Manchu reign of code examples: junior led components, Imperial first, Jue Luo Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Mongolia IV Manchu 78. Insert white flag first collar is a member of the Manchu dutong 16 rank and collar: rank and collar is a series of State rank and collarMass to create a combined lead from human population main last name first rank collar jueluoshi Guan Zuo led jueluoyongkaijueluoshi led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 13 Gong Zhongzuo collar and luogashan second adjuvant Hu Shita this flag the last name junior third rank of collar Yu Ding led Jue Luo Guan Zuo led Kangxi 9 years jueluobaiqijueluoshi and luogashan the fourth rank leading the early Mongolia in publicRank collar Ang commentary/Cole-Kun BA Yue-various surnames BA-Dake junior v-collar Mongolia 23, Kangxi Guan Zuo led xitubayuete the last name BA Yue-the sixth junior to get early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo maertuzhakuta's and Tong Yi seventh rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 12 led Guan Zuo Hua Shanwu Su Val Kerala eighth rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 2Guan Zuo led musen Wu Su 3 years leading the early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Wu La Nineth adjuvant bukada JI Wu Su led Manchu Emperor Kangxi's Val Kerala tenth adjuvant 23 led Guan Zuo wuguangwusu's Val Kerala 11th rank leading the early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo bukada JI Wu Su Wu La 12th rank led by public zhongzuo in early Manchukuo led de/Nikan Wu La Na Lashi songali leading the early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Wu La 13th adjuvant Lang Gewen neuvy 14th junior led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 34 Yin Yin Shi Guan Zuo led e-sea there is less the 15th junior led Manchu Emperor Kangxi during the 9 years led Guan Zuo suertailubuli's 16th warji City junior led Manchu Emperor Kangxi in 23 publicRank and collar set white flag Hang Qi Lu Buli warji city second collar is a member of the Manchu dutong 17 rank and collar: junior leading the series state rank and collar nature of the family and create a combined lead from human population main last name first rank and collar feel Luo Guochu Guan Zuo leading jueluobahanajueluoshi and luogashan second-rank leading Jue Luo Kang Xi 23 inherited in the family hushitajueluoAnd luogashan third-rank leading the early Manchukuo Guan Zuo Jia Wu La fourth arrest brought a big tripod junior led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 led Guan Zuo guanzhu guar Cong Jia Wu La fifth rank led Manchu day 9 years who led Guan Zuo Yi Chengge/Shuo Fu Cha's for Island Lake/saqiku sixth junior to get early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo haningafucha'sPlaces Island Lake/saqiku the seventh rank and led Guan Zuo led Shuo Fu Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 the who review for Island Lake/saqiku eighth rank and led Guan Zuo Wu Lana collar long columns in early Manchukuo led Manchu Emperor Kangxi of Wu La La Nineth adjuvant 23 Shi Guan Zuo get Cha Erhai Wu Lana la Wu La tenth combined led zhongzuo led the Manchu shunzhi 8 years AhaniHadana la Hada, the 11th junior leading the early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo talashi Cha Kunmo he 12th rank leading the early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo dundaliguoerluosi's James River 13th junior to get early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Zhu Mala Vidi Bilu yehe/Tiger's 14th rank leading the early Manchukuo clan ancestor of Hubei ProvinceRich Cha zhakutaboercun 15th rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 34 Guan Zuo led subaifuchashi led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 led Guan Zuo zhakutaboercun 16th adjuvant Brent guar movatn/sue his 17th rank and collar zhongzuo collar Housh in the early Manchukuo bubenqi the last name: 12th junior led the transfer of Prince Su coat rankCollar. 16th rank leading from heluohuizuo to get away. Mounted with white flag led Manchu dutong third leading 17 which adjuvant: rank and collar are knitted vertical nature create a combined rank collar collar one main source first Junior led the Imperial clan surname population Guan Zuo collar wuliaixinjueluoshi collar Yu Ding's second junior led Manchu, coating all adjuvants Manchu Emperor Kangxi 34 Gong Zhongzuo collarPro Suo Chaoluo clan Wu La third rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi in 13 family ancestor saisaihefucha there is less needed IV junior leading the early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Kerala Kerala Ma Fucha Thi there is less needed junior led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 Shi Guan Zuo v-collar saved Yin Fu Cha's there is less the sixth junior to get early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo buhatuguoer Luo RiverSeventh rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 led Manchu Guan Zuo Guan Zuo led majinguoerluoshi XE Cham eighth adjuvant led three led Manchu clan ancestor guoerluoshi XE Cham Nineth adjuvant Ning Zhu led early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo guoerluoshi XE Cham tenth adjuvant shuguoerluoshi XE Cham 11th rank led Manchu clan ancestor Ji Si haguoer12th rank Roche River led early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo subahaihadana la Hada 13th rank collar led Manchu Guan Zuo Cheng gehadana la Hada 14th junior to get early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo baichu Kerala zhakuta saqiku 15th rank led Manchu first year of Yongzheng led Guan Zuo malinzhakuta saqiku tenthRokusuke led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 13 Gong Zhongzuo led color SI Shu Sanzuo collar population 17th rank and led early Manchukuo clan ancestor wazhu guar Val Kerala Note: second rank collar Dazzo led Lo Yu Ding. Insert white flag led Manchu dutong IV led 17 which adjuvant: rank and collar are knitted vertical main last name age rank and collar to create a junior leading the people peopleDing led Manchu Emperor Kangxi during the 6 years from first adjuvant Guan Zuo collar wise Black's and the Soviet Union finished second-rank leading the early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Xi Lana Sue third rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 Shi Guan Zuo led color sensitive guar and the Soviet Union finished fourth rank to get early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Shu saizhaojia Hu Bucha fifth rank and collarManchu Emperor Kangxi 23 led Guan Zuo Suo Li Jia Hu Bucha sixth junior to get early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Kerala Kerala Ma Fucha's seventh rank and the forest of Changbai/chicken led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 Shi Guan Zuo Tuktoyaktuk cards good and rich notes of Changbai/chicken eighth rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi during the 8 years the forest led Guan Zuo Guan Dai Fu Cha of changbaishan forest/chickenJunior led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 Shi Guan Zuo led Hu Shahu tenth review of Changbai/chicken forest-rich junior leading the early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo diffuse brown bear Dai Jiashi Hang Jian yin, and there is less the 11th junior led Manchu Emperor Kangxi led Guan Zuo shitufuchashi Yin Hang Jian, and there is less 8 years 12th rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 Shi Guan Zuo leading e-and dadaijia in HangzhouRooms, there is less needed 13th junior to get early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo tahaiyiergenjueluoshi long baishanchaerji the 14th rank collar Guan Zuo in early Manchukuo led dongalaimengguoshi led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 33 Guan Zuo Wu La 15th adjuvant led bahalamengguoshi led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 11 Guan Zuo Wu La 16th adjuvant apply for a USU'sNeuvy Yin 17th rank and led early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Meng Awu Su set white flag is less needed 17 which the Manchu dutong v neck junior lead: junior leading the series state rank and collar nature of the family and create a combined lead from human population main last name first rank led Manchu Gong Zhongzuo collar Yi Chang abenqi to the surname of four junior leading the second rank of Yu Ding led ManchuHonours old rank and collar u Thant's Soviet-third rank led Manchu Gong Zhongzuo leading the 70 's and the Soviet Union finished fourth rank to get early Manchukuo Hun old rank and collar should be an aromatic plant mentioned in ancient books and the Soviet Union finished the fifth rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi in 23 honours old changde guar junior led the Soviet Union finished the sixth rank and collar cross in early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Zhang Shan/Yang Shan Jia-JiaMovatn/sue his seventh rank led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 Shi Guan Zuo led e Qi Jia Jia movatn/sue his eighth rank and collar Mongolia early honours old rank and collar collar Tusa chahaer Nineth adjuvant Mongolia Kangxi 34 Alpha network cards chahaer tenth combined honours old adjuvant led Guan Zuo led tours in the early Manchukuo Kun Huan Zhang Jiashi Fei Yalang 11thJunior led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 23 led Guan Zuo Sang Hai Zhang Jiashi Fei Yalang 12th rank collar led Guan Zuo saibogenyiergenjueluoshi Hun 13th rank in the early Manchukuo led Manchu Emperor Kangxi 33 led Manchu Guan Zuo makesuyiergenjueluoshi cards good Hun 14th adjuvant during the first year of shunzhi led Guan Zuo aisongwuyehena la15th rank and led Guan Zuo led yaernaxilinjueluoshi nimachan 16th rank in early Manchukuo led Manchu Manchu Gong Zhongzuo Broadcom cards amount to the last name awareness and support five junior led led early Manchukuo led Guan Zuo Yu Ding 17th adjuvant huketekeningguta clan Wu La jierhalang has recorded 96 cattle are eight middle powers. Zhenghuangqi is not the effortHachi pro-reunification forces Others:

