
too small a number of sexual intercourse can cause sex interval is too long Diablo 3 Gold too smal

129809335857242500_707Even during the ovulation period, frequent sexual intercourse will not increase chances of pregnancy. In General, the ovulation period, every couple of nights of sex will increase the chances of pregnancy. How much sex frequency is more appropriate here, there is a formula for reference. That is, "to ten-digit number multiplied by the age of nine, ten-digit of the product cycle, single digits for the number of sex". If, 20~29sui of people, sex number for 2?9, is equal to 18, that is 10 days in the can sex 8 times; 30~39sui of people, is 3?9, is equal to 27, is 20 days sex 7 times, is 3 days 1 times for good; 40~49sui of people, is 4?9, is equal to 36, is 30 days 6 times, to 5 days 1 times for good; 50~59 of people, is5?9, 45, or 40-day 5, that is 1 to 8 days Diablo 3 power leveling, and so on. Calculated in accordance with this method, 60~69sui about 12 days old 1; 1 70~79sui for 20 days; above 80 years old, about 1. However, in the room the following day after, lumbar acid such as tinnitus, pifawuli, feet, soft, number descriptionAnd the interval to extend sex. Frequent sexual intercourse may become impregnated Tiger on some men in several times after ejaculation, sperm count is exhausted. If you and your partner like to frequent sex Diablo 3 Gold, you can ask him to ejaculation several times in a row after a semen analysis. This analysis can be tested frequent ejaculation his sperm quality and quantity. Frequency of sexual intercourse too frequently can cause spermReduction in the number, quality, or injection of spermatozoa in sperm development is not naive, not pregnant. Only regular sexual intercourse in order to ensure the quantity and quality of sperm, which can only be pregnant. And vice versa, too small a number of sexual intercourse can cause sex interval is too long, so that which is out of the sperm quality is not high, or "aging", also does not helpPregnancy. Precision does not shoot easily lead to fear of pregnancy or infertility don't want maternity interrupted sexual intercourse way, deliberately not ejaculate, over time wow power leveling, will result in "spirituality not shooting". (Editors: Gao Minghui) Others:

