
investigation and handling of the case has aDifficult wow cd-key investigation and handling of the

129809335843023750_684[In some places, Associate Professor without tenure review, if the judges giving a total price of about $ 30,000 ~4, full Professor title is as high as nearly $ 100,000, "only the individual is great and there are some influential teachers, don't need a gift. "] Original Holiness of the ivory tower, has become a hit of corruption. According to media reports, the evening of May 2, the Hunan police, 2011, Director of Institute of police physical education teachers in colleges and universities in Hunan province high profile expert Yibing Liu series titles in hotel "check in money". Hunan provincial Department quickly responded, 6th in the official online issued, saying "has now terminated Professor Liu Yibing 2011 series titles expert qualifications of teachers in colleges and universities, the situation is further investigation and verification". WhileHunan Police Academy also has echoes laoben 6th announced the suspension of teaching Yibing Liu Police Department Director, has set up a Panel to investigate their suspected breaches of discipline. However, the business journal survey found, the case is not a solitary case, over the years of various titles, awards, research project appraisal, assessment process, prevailing in similar situations, Told this newspaper that: some comments on Professor needed on gift giving 100,000, requires 30,000 ~4, associate professor. Titles failing to "prepare 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, Professor Liu Yibing found late 2,408 new day hotel room this morning, late delivery does not go in. "The morning of May 4, SINA Netizen" Cottage "in their tweets posted a piece on mobile phoneScreenshot, on corruption in college teachers ' working titles should be exposed. Then Lu Qun, Vice Director of corruption prevention of Commission of Hunan province in the micro-Bo "the censors in transit" also forward confirmation, here. In microblogging, Lu Qun also added: "Hunan financial economic College young teachers just give me a call, an excellent teacher of the school declared last year, Associate Professor, woodVery solid, is Professor of standard conditions far beyond ten years ago, too confident and firm did not honor the judges, results in the accreditation exam, this make no effort to seek progress, be sure to. "Not only has this phenomenon in Hunan, a Professor of a University in Guangdong told to disclose, comment on the title of gift giving this thing is quite common. Most of the time, is there a "little" judges for evaluationTitle has a decisive impact on. The professor said that he knew a Professor associate professor wants to comment on title, first year due to travel on the missed gift giving without comment on, adapt to the culture of gift giving treat for the second year, Professor smooth on the evaluation of the results. Analysis of Lu Qun "from the two anomalies we can judge the teacher title accreditation process can occur in serious and widespread corruption, is theList of judges should be highly confidential, has become an open secret; the second is supposed to be cut off from contact with the outside world by the judges, the assessment base is free to keep in touch with the outside world. "An official of the Hunan provincial Department of labor also told about, in many industries, corruption in the post title assessment process, please accept an invitation to dinner drink natural LEGO, send gift cash is also normal. “Not saying that courtesy is required. "He also stressed that even" conventional "price tag. Many persons to this newspaper that the title usually judge people or more than 10 people, gift giving is divided into two modes: one is "done" a person has a decisive influence, is that all the judges are sent. According to them, Associate Professor without tenure review, if the judges giving a total priceAbout 30,000 ~4 million, full Professor title is as high as nearly $ 100,000, "only the individual is great and there are some influential teachers, don't need a gift. "The growing corruption in colleges and universities" University area of corruption cannot be underestimated. "State Institute of Fudan University Professor Pu Xingzu this deep feeling, more than 10 years ago, he wrote an article called for the inclusion of academic corruption to the country's anti-corruptionIn the cause of defeat, when signs were already there, and now is growing. Former Professor in a University in Guangdong told this newspaper, was sent, even if does not meet the conditions can get qualified; no gift, even if conditions are qualified, may also pass. He also revealed that involves two key comments on titles, is the unit's personnel department, the other is the judges. If you want toTo comment on the title and did not meet the conditions, can be "action" links are both, the personnel department Diablo 3 CD-KEY, the material ready, if a place is not qualified, qualified; another is the judge, should there be an unqualified, can also vote by the judges. Even if conditions are qualified, looking for the judges. Because the judges have absolute power, "though you qualified, but the judge can recognizeCondition is not hard enough for you, managed compliance ", and thus we can brush off. "Their own vote without any explanation, the only explanation is that does not pass. "The professor said, he ate on the title no shower" losses ". In addition to the title, there is also suspected of such corruption in many areas, such as colleges and universities apply for PhD, master degree, as well as some project acceptance,Assessment. Professor Pu Xingzu admits that his years of experience before this review, "treatment" is not only a site evaluation Committee receives "dotting", judges will be some communication "incense", "If you haven't identified the list of judges, some may advance selected judges who will be" prompted "concern. "The personnel Department of labor official said, titles not only in universities,Required by industry or Government departments, universities, research institutes and other units, titles can have a direct and visible return, and differ between titles is very large, for example, a project funded by the senior title feel free to millions, so in this case is to "fix" natural price of the judges is high. Opportunity to promote the assessment reform "which said corruption isMeans the abuse of public power and rent, but in College, assessment, evaluation is also a power, corrosion is common to this power. "Pu Xingzu said, some of them are directly sent money, there are gifts, such as a computer use as assessment Office, but eventually left to judges. Some of them are personal gifts, some of them are in the names of institutions or units to gift giving, "This happened in colleges and universities, it is the cultural tradition topples over. "Today, the backlash of public opinion has made the relevant departments to respond quickly. On May 6, the site in Hunan "red net" published news that the Department of education of Hunan province has to instruct the police in Hunan Institute of discipline inspection and supervision departments, and in front of the event identified, stopping the Sports Group of the assessment. Lu Qun also told reporters yesterday, investigation and handling of the case has aDifficult, "as an individual case, the case is unlikely to find out something, must receive a red envelope are not recognized. "However, he agreed that, even if the cases may not be as smooth as expected, this event will certainly promote the reform of professional title appraisal system, helps to prevent the occurrence of similar events. In fact, Hunan provincial positions, titlesImposed for breaches of discipline in "zero tolerance" and found, investigated and dealt with, not appeasement. Lu Qun also told reporters: "this sort of thing to disguise a major accident as a minor one not so easy. I personally abhor about this wow cd-key, hope the treatment on a large scale. "Pu Xingzu reviews institutional reform, there are two paths, one of which is open and transparent, the candidates of various materialsMaterial and are made public, the industry or the public fully understand them, so the judges will have scruples; the second is an extension of accreditation body, even a Professor title selection, you can also review, Associate Professor, Professor, and lecturer, only groups of different weights. The increase in the number, restraining the impulse and the feasibility of the gift can also increase the rotDefeat the chance of exposure. Vice Dean of the school of journalism and communication of SCUT Zhao Hong, believes that should be separate titles. Titles in the now desperate to compete, there is an important reason for this is that titles do not have separate comments on Professor teacher once and for all. After the titles separated, if you have a comment on Professor does not meet the relevant requirements on, can not engage in school; on the contrary, some did not comment on ProfessorTeachers, if outstanding, can also be employed as a Professor, so that you can properly play the role of titles. " Diablo 3 gold, The field of academic corruption in colleges and universities is a small environmental issues, also behind large environmental impact. "Pu Xingzu believes that size should be both, bad environment, bribery, bribery in a small environment in mind, and even flames, and culture of micro-environmentReaction to the environment, create a vicious circle. "Non-criminals who cannot arrest the corruption, reform could not break that cycle. "(Editor: Cao Lu璠) Others:

