
and in 1862 at his own expense he published the sufalinuozhi book of memories Diablo 3 gold and in

129809647165836250_358History of 1859, Switzerland Bank House Henry Dunant via Italy Lombardy and witnessed Austria, and France and satin Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in the tragic battle of Solferino in the army, found no one take care of wounded soldiers, sad, and in 1862 at his own expense he published the sufalinuozhi book of memories, wish to draw the attention of society, and called for the massesCreation of a neutral civilian wounded soldiers rescue organization. In 1863, Henry Dunant was related to gusita·mowaniai, jilemu·hengli·dufuer, and luyisi·apiya and Theodore Maunoir promotion "rescuing wounded soldiers to the International Committee", which is the predecessor of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies. In 1864, the Red Cross movement spread to 12 European countries, And the signing in Geneva of the field army of the Geneva Convention for the amelioration of the injured. In 1875, rescuing wounded soldiers to the International Committee changed its name to the International Committee of the Red Cross, Henry Dunant's birthday May 8 as a "World Red Cross day" (later changed to "World Red Cross and Red Crescent day"), marked by the Red Cross, and began to absorb the Islamic countries to join. But byIn the Crusades East invasion of this historical event, Muslims do not want to accept the Red Cross flag. In 1876, the establishment of the Red Crescent Society of the Ottoman Empire, marked by a Red Crescent; is the establishment of the Red Lion of the Persian Empire, marked by a Red Lion and Sun. In 1929, the International Red Cross had acknowledged that the two symbols. Iran Khomeini after the coup d ' état, dissolved the Red lions and wasteIn addition to its signature, set up a Red Crescent. In 1986, the International Red Cross movement changed its name to "the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement", while the International Red Cross on 5 years later the name was changed to "International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies". Later, Israel requires a red star of David, has not been approved. On December 8, 2005, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent societiesWill make a third flag--red crystal without any religious significance, and was officially launched on January 14, 2007, as soon as possible and strive to replace the two flags of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Due to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies in times of war and times of peace have outstanding contribution to human society, has won 3 times the Nobel Peace Prize, along with its founderOne Henry Dunant in 1901 and won the Nobel Peace Prize, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies has won 4 times the Nobel Peace Prize. Seven fundamental principles the 20th International Conference of the Red Cross, held in Vienna in 1965 passed, complex in Geneva in 1986, 25th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, held by the amendment and statedIn the Statute of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, its basic principles formulated by the international movement of the Red Cross is as follows: humanity Humanity the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement because of the desire to provide no differential treatment of battlefield injuries assist the initiation, in its international and national features, is committed to preventing and alleviating human suffering in any place of the occurrence. Its purpose isProtecting life and health; and ensure respect for the human, and to promote the world of mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace. Justice Impartiality it is not because of nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions and discrimination. It is committed to the disarmament of personal pain, act according to their needs and priority of special urgencyCase. Neutral Neutrality for the sake of continued trust between the parties, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement to any hostile situation, position of not supporting one of the parties, nor should they be involved in any time of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature of State disputes. Independence Independence the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement has itsIndependence. Although the national Red Cross for its humanitarian services supporting institutions of the Government, and subject to the law of the country, but still should always retain autonomy, so that we can at any time following the principles of the Red Cross movement. Volunteer Voluntary Service of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement is a voluntary relief movement Diablo 3 power leveling, do not beg anyWhat interests. Unity Unity there can be only one red cross in each country. It must be open to national, and to carry out humanitarian work in all the territory. Universal Universality of International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement throughout the world, equal to the status of the Red Cross, also sharing the same responsibilities and obligations of mutual assistance to each other. Organization "Red Cross"A noun, also on behalf of the three names. In General, according to the Red Cross of the "universal" principle, in almost all countries there are local Red Cross or Red Crescent societies, and in "unification" principle, a country there is only one red cross. Originally founded by Henry Dunant, "International Committee of the Red Cross", currently still operating, and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and related protocolsProvision, provide humanitarian assistance, monitoring the treatment of prisoners of war prisoners of war. "The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies" is responsible for the coordination of the national Red Cross, Red Crescent society, trans-national natural disaster relief to refugees. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross are now observers of the United Nations. Red Cross and Government Relations due to the Red Cross in the warWhen the special status, so even if the spirit of Red Cross requires "neutrality" from outside the political Rift Platinum, "independent" of the Government, but in many countries by national leaders to serve as honorary head of the Red Cross Office, and many of the actual principal government officials transferred, or have a very close relationship: United States President: Masha·yuehanxun·aiwensi (Marsha jOhnson Evans): former Navy Lieutenant People's Republic of China President: Hu Jintao, People's Republic of China President President: Peng peiyun, patron of the former Vice Chairman of the national people's Congress Hong Kong: Donald Tsang, Hong Kong S.A.R. Chief Executive Vice patron: Sir run run Shaw, and Mrs Betty Tung (former President) Chairman: Bao xiaowei,Chairman of the wife of the Chief political: Sir t l Yang Japan Honorary President: Japan, President of the Queen's Michiko: Wei Zhonghui, his wife Princess Singapore President: Lieutenant Zhu Weiliang, former Commander of the armed forces, Ambassador to the representatives of the High Commissioner in Australia, Fiji, Germany, Honorary Chairman: huosite·Kele (Dr. Horst Kouml;hler), Germany FederalPresident, President: Seth (Dr.rer.pol.h.c. Rudolf Seiters), former Chief Deputy Speaker of the Federal Parliament, the Interior Minister of Switzerland, President of: Reno (Prof. Dr. iur. Ren é Rhinow), former speaker of the Parliament on United Kingdom President: Charles Prince (HRH ThePrince Of Wales), the United Kingdom flag of Red Cross Crown Prince "Red Cross" (including the Red Crescent and the Red Crystal, for the sake of simplicity, hereinafter referred to as the Red Cross) is a proprietary mark, in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Conventions, the Red Cross have the force of international law, not only in time of war States or the International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation ofUse war as a protection of medical personnel in the field sign, any armed forces are not allowed to attack the flag of Red Cross vehicles, personnel, facilities, it is the war criminals. In mainland China and Hong Kong, the cross is represented by the People's Republic of China Red Cross Society Act and the legal security of the Hong Kong Red Cross Ordinance. Cross (Red CrosS) flag of the Red Cross in 1863, determined Diablo 3 power leveling, is a sign of the Red Cross has a long history of. Red Crescent flag (Red Crescent) because of the cross is a Christian symbol, Muslims do not want to use. In 1876 with the symbol of the Ottoman Empire used a Red Crescent. In 1929, the symbol recognized by the International Red Cross. Red Lion and Sun societyFlag (the Red Lion and Sun Society) and Red Crescent over the Persian Empire a traditions of the lion and the Sun patterns, discarded after use the Red Crescent flag. The flag still is valid, but is no longer used. Red "star of David" symbol (Red Star of David)Had requested the use of this flag, but was not approved by the Red Cross, after due to fear this precedent, organizations will use their own flags. So the Red Cross flag is not a valid flag. Red Crystal flag (Red Crystal) is the latest sign the flag, officially launched on January 4, 2007. Others:

