
unit GDP energy consumption only decreased by 0.8% in the first quarter of this year

129667648231552892_2Decoder unit altar index yesterday edged down by 0.72% cent 2,380 modified with a-share market remained weak yesterday, but foreign-backed, media entertainment, non-ferrous metals and other policy benefits stocks still ranked in the forefront gains list. Since the market began to rebound from 2,307 points, market focus turns to be replaced. Sources say, Seven emerging strategic industries to strategic industries in the next 5 years invested about $ 10 trillion. Equity resulting speculation the target steering policies benefit from the shares, including environmental protection and other media software sector has suffered consecutive daily limit of "demon." Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion8 zhanchiyufei of muddy water and focus: who discovered fresh black who now cannot wait shareholders Li 8 a 12-year Player 8 deep investments to realize the IPO of a tiger 29 months "circle" approaching trillion [Twitter] Li Daxiao: the Commission applauded the initiative [shares] all the good will make short died miserably (reported by reporter Yang Xin) policy hot topicsNot suitable for short scrambled to recover higher since last year diablo 3 gold, the a-share market speculation of topics had never left policy. ����Continuous and active regional revitalization plate, from the concept of international tourism in Hainan Island to the hercynian concept from Xinjiang and Tibet stocks and Zhoushan plates in 2011, regional revitalization concept has always been the market one of the hot money chasing stocks. Participation in regional economic speculation castingFunding, most seem to be profitable. Online one even draw a picture of the ideal of "fry map" schedule: If at the beginning of last year to buy plates roedean development in Hainan Province, February sold; then change into the sea of Western concepts of sanmu Group (000632, unit), sold in early March; and then bought the plate of Xinjiang guanghui shares (600,256 shares), has held theIn January of the year; share Exchange stocks leading the development of Tibet, Tibet (000752, unit), principal of $ 100,000 can be scrambled to Super million, that is, time profit 10 times a year. As for 2009, emerging concepts of strategic industry in Hainan, investors must be fresh. Take the little bear market this year, early this year, high-speed rail, two large water themeFengshengshuiqi. ����These subjects almost always need policy support. Money is inquire policy signals analysts say, "Twelve-Five" subsidiary of planning, economic restructuring, along with new industries supporting policies, regional revitalization policy has become the focal point, it can directly benefit some listed companies. So the market has a lot of money is waiting orInquire policy signals, prepared once a massive killing of the trouble in. As can be seen, on the premise of growth faces uncertain, market that only the Government come to the area can be maintained, even beyond the growth rate in the past. Tsuen silver, including high-tech (300,087, unit), 35 interconnect (300,051, unit), Unit tableAre excellent. However investors must bear in mind that this policy theme of the publicity stunt is still speculation. Guidelines and support to concrete business earnings, there is still a long way to go, and have a steep hill to climb. Do industry knows, on the scale of business, net profits rose by more than a year 50% is such a difficult thing, capital markets no matter, however, encountered a lot of concepts, Is fired up 50% shares more than a month. Vigilant shares overdrafts expected earlier this year the theme of water as an example, regardless of the strength of policy support at that time, there is a specific qualification of enterprise, are not necessarily less than today's cultural industry reform concepts. While leading unit of the concept of the three gorges Water Conservancy (600,116, unit), a month from $ 12.6 hits$ 23.97 (is a multiple exercise price), limelight does not say. But the concepts are concepts. On November 1, three gorges closing price of $ 13.52, just back to the soaring price range before. ����Under the major policies of positive support, its three quarterly performance this year is only $ 0.05. Water Conservancy hype of the concept of trajectory, believe that investors look at today'sMedia concept would be useful. ����Culture days boat (300,148, unit) three quarterly results $ 0.3, current price $ 23.8, high buy short term may not be not to make money, but lost, the complaint shall not others. Themes of excessive speculation, stock overdraft expected similar stories, repeatedly on the a-share markets staged its behind for fear of inevitable market masterForce agencies allege, old-fashioned story tall ship, and investors which must be carefully noted. CITIC Securities (600,030, unit) analyst Chen Mulin believes that China's stock market has always been policy market, behind large changes tack, often representing changes in China's economic development trends. But investors followed the tack in go, more should be focused on medium-and long-term judgementWhile reducing short-term earnings, so they do not blindly follow the trend of hot topics of the hype, drumming bidders of the flowers. Day boat culture shares rose crazy 17 plenary session, held in mid-October have made reform of cultural system and a series of decisions, culture and media stocks fell. Market expectations of culture this private book Enterprise day boat ride the policies of the EastWind in the area of juvenile books has a place in the future. Precisely because of this boat culture shares a day or expected caused a stir. $ 13.15 mad up of shares from October 12 to November 9, closed at $ 29.68, time of less than a month to rose 118%, market value from $ 1.2 billion surge to the present level of $ 2.6 billion. Companies have repeatedlyRisk disclosure notice issued can hold stock of irrational mad up. ����From the three quarterly, the business of the year has lost its first three years of growth and performance plummet after listing. Emerging industry themes has two main key State Council Development Research Center said Feng Fei, Minister of industry research, development of strategic new industry there are two types of objectives:Those who developed into a pillar industry, including energy conservation and environmental protection, next-generation information industry, bio-industries, high-end equipment manufacturing industry; second class is the leading industry: new energy, new materials and new energy vehicles. Feng Fei has made 24 of China's seven major areas of focus in the future the focus direction, including: energy-efficient, next-generation core base of information networks, electronic industry, biomedicine,Aviation equipment, marine engineering and equipment, solar energy, biomass energy, a new type of functional materials, high-performance composite materials, pure electric vehicles. Recently, the United Nations climate change conference last year in Mexico after a meeting in South Africa Durban, convening of meetings on the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol's attention. China's energy consumption in this country, it is necessary to ensureEconomic growth requires energy and complete commitment to emissions reduction tasks, people naturally look to the energy-saving emission reduction technology and clean energy. National development and Reform Commission Deputy Director Xie Zhenhua, China's response to the new Office on Tuesday told a press conference on climate change, unit GDP energy consumption only decreased by 0.8% in the first quarter of this year, for the first three quarters of 1.6% distance to complete the task 3%~3.5% this year there is a considerable gap. As well as Chinese nuclear power development is determined to change to ensure the safe development of nuclear power. ����He also said "Twelve-Five" will actively promote the development of non-fossil energy sources, non-fossil energy in 2015 than per cent of the total energy consumption will increase to 11.4%. But insiders say, thanSuch as the clean energy sector diablo 3 gold, may be more optimistic about is nuclear power plates was halted in early, rather than wind power or solar energy. And biological breeding and bio-pharmaceutical investment might have to go beyond the biological vaccine. ����Investor's support is important to note that each breakdown the latest dynamic in order to tap rhythms. Concerned about 2,350 points next week supporting technology solutions for Friday's a-share marketContinue to narrow fluctuation under the 5th line, line Yin-lien huzhi week. ����Fitch downgraded Portugal credit assessment to junk status, the European debt problem erratic still suppressing long on enthusiasm of the global market, while new third Board, such as international expansion rumors come and go, and effects of fermentation again at the weekend, sold again to refresh the two cities to the volume level in the near future. Technically, huzhi under impact 3,067 pointsReducing channel rail obstructed, has now dropped for three consecutive weeks, from the previous low of 2,307 point is only a step away, and through extreme downturn sold, due to both sides of the hands of the chips, no one dares to act rashly, leading stock index temporarily into agglutination. Huzongzhi callback has 9 consecutive trading day shocks, index rebounded again yesterday in the 5th line 2,400Near point under pressure. ����If not effectively taken hold early next week on the 5th line policy Outlook index is back to try 2,300 points at end-may, however short line indexes have been severely oversold rebound would occur inadvertently. Minute chart, MACD deviated from the signs of the end of the more prominent stock index continues to accelerate downward, to lure traps, investors should beware. On the operation, attention next week 2350-point support and to pay attention to the official PMI data. (Permits investment in Zhang Suoqing) operation should not be overly pessimistic view of current policy point blank, recommends that investors overall positions in control risks at the same time, every sharp slide layout new industry growth stocks, at the bottom of the market to build at the same time gradually build positions. Proposals and small-cap investors with stable long-term growth prospects intoLong strand, as well as benefit from inflation to come down, cost reduction of stocks. ����Sector, focus on food and beverage sector hot spots can be sustained, hood, and the financial weight plates. (China Merchants securities (600,999, unit))

