
innovations over more than 10 varieties of loans of rural credit cooperatives in zaozhuang city

129668631840000000_5Industrial and commercial bank (601,398), Hua Xia Bank (600,015), Harbin Bank, rural cooperative bank in zaozhuang city hengtai recently introduced new measures to support small micro-enterprise development: or launch of electronic supply chain financing business helped ease liquidity pressure in small micro-enterprises, or organized training camps on its public training on small business operators, or adjust thePolicy of micro-enterprise credit to small tilt, or innovative lending models to advance the small micro-enterprise development. Harbin Bank to microfinance as a major business, adjust small micro-enterprise lending policies recently: Branch received over $ 5 million on new small business loan approval authority, in the case of credit tight focus on less than $ 5 million small tilt of micro-enterprises.At the same time, small enterprises financial debt totaled $ 2.5 billion are waiting for approval of the CBRC. Huaxia Bank and China's Association for small and medium enterprises initiated "the ' star of the Chinese ' small Chinese elite training camps" diablo 3 gold, public training selected managers of small enterprises. The end of this month diablo 3 power leveling, the camps will be at Peking University Guanghua School of kaiying to help small business operators to improve the strategic position,Business management, marketing, financial operations, such as comprehensive ability and actual operation level. "We are working together with Hua Xia bank holding ' star of the Chinese ' small Chinese elite training camps hope to support not only on the financing of small enterprises, more sustained attention and support the healthy development of small businesses. ����The "China Association for small and medium enterprises, Li Zibin said. For small micro-enterprisesDue to the lower back to slow cash flow difficulties, industrial and commercial bank innovation recently launched electronic supply chain financing business, help ease liquidity pressure in small micro-enterprises. Electronic supply chain financing through the core of enterprise ERP and supply chain (enterprise resource planning) system and docking, embedding the network financing chain supply chain transactions, simplify the traditional supply chain finance business processes, itBuffet and convenient financing and cross-regional features. ����Features of electronic supply chain financing is through close co-operation with the core enterprises, downstream transfer the core enterprise credit up, focus on transaction logistics and cash flow, helps small micro-enterprises in the upper reaches to resolve warranty of goods pawned where there isn't enough challenge. When interviewed by this reporter recently in Shandong, zaozhuangRural credit cooperatives in innovative financial products for small micro enterprises how impressed. ����Zaozhuang hengtai exploring and innovating rural cooperative bank mortgages, river management rights as security for a loan, panlong lake water management in agriculture and forestry services limited make a first payment of $ 1.5 million of loans to address the urgent needs of the company. "How to make the waters right this ' static ' value changedKnown as the ' dynamic ' capital, we are also in the stones. ����"The Deputy Governor of the rural cooperative bank in zaozhuang city hengtai Sun Fachao said. According to the Director of the Office of the rural credit cooperatives Union of zaozhuang, Shandong province Li Jinan introduction, break the traditional loan guarantee mode of rural credit cooperatives in zaozhuang city, rich expanded mortgage range, easily liquidated assets of real "live", out of the steel structure factory building, tourismScenic toll right, many mortgage loans such as vehicle certificate first. As of now, innovations over more than 10 varieties of loans of rural credit cooperatives in zaozhuang city, $ 4.13 billion loan for 1300 small and medium enterprises. (Reporter Liu Shiping and Robaud)

