
energy researcher at the Institute of national development and Reform Commission said Zhu Yue

129667864522802892_536Over the next decade is expected to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 470 million tonnes of international business and Economics Institute for international low-carbon economy and the social sciences documentation press release 25th of the low carbon economic development in China (2012). One of the authors of the report, energy researcher at the Institute of national development and Reform Commission said Zhu Yue, if strictly implemented energy-saving emission reduction, over the next ten years per unit of GDP energy intensity fell by 30%, then the total primary energy demand will decrease to 5.1 billion tonnes of standard coal, save $ 2 billion tons of coal equivalent, equivalent to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 470 million tonnes. Report says, the Chinese Government has developed a green energy development objectives, by the year 2020 to increase the volume of non-fossil energy to 700 million tons of coal equivalent, which means that the non-fossil energyOf 2010 tons coal equivalent on the basis of a minimum increase of more than 400 million tons of standard coal energy supply from some relief to China's energy so short. Report noted that China in recent years there have been unprecedented rapid growth in energy demand. In 2010, the total primary energy consumption reaches 3.25 billion tonnes of standard coal, increase from 20001.2 times. Zhu Yue believed that from the actual development trend, China GDP average annual growth in the next decade is likely to reach around 8.5%, by 2020, China's total GDP will reach $ 71 trillion (2005 prices). If the country's strict implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction, within the next ten years per unit of GDP energy intensity fell by 30% diablo 3 power leveling, then the primary energy demandTotal amount will be reduced to 5.1 billion tonnes of standard coal, save $ 2 billion tons of coal equivalent, equivalent to the reduction of 470 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. Reported that the total amount of oil resources in China is one of the more experienced countries, but because of the energy demand far exceeds supply, China from oil-exporting country into oil-importing countries, external dependence for crude oil has reached 54.8%, apart from powerKinds of primary energy is required to import countries. Report Editor diablo 3 gold, Professor of Nagoya University Professor Xue Jinjun said, a large number of foreign sources of energy is highly dependent on oil imports caused a China will increase the risk of China's energy security. (Ni Mingya)

