
like the British drama keen interpretation of geek SWTOR CD-key like the British drama keen interp

129829462656130000_116Xinmin weekly: British drama take the small road to win public favor NetEase entertainment on May 31 (text/Jue Zheng), Xin min weekly, it was reported, had seen the black mirror to know, the Shen Shylock lira wind effects, letters of the alphabet appear vividly on screen, clever jump off editing of sth Them altogether is not postmodern, is at best a fashionable puffiness in the digital age. What is postmodernism? The black mirror is. What is the reason? The blackKernel more reasoning of the mirror: to discover the truth with the strict logic. Time entry May, experienced a once a week waiting for the baptism of countless times and stopped, us-opera fans bitter episodes finally at an end of the year. While most American drama, as the hero of the Castle quarter of wonderful exploration of the spirit book with these words: "We ' re not over" September "Return ". But what are the 4 housewives ' of Wisteria Lane to go out of their secret history of 8 years; the death of death of CSI Las Vegas go go, Big Boss several times changed hands, now even 12 year old courtiers Catharine moved to the FBI. "Endless", is a lot of viewers Midway "sacrifice drama" reasons. Even with each other, drama-free renewable onlyTo Word of mouth, investments, writers do not go on strike, what story will continue. "Written, broadcast" originally envisaged to meet the fittest, economic supremacy of rules of the game: once the program down, chop lijue. However, being pressed into ink is not strong. TV play produced not only industrial lines, episodes are not only fast elimination of life: a "new package, good tasteRoad "will be able to make the audience obediently paying the Bill. According to the latest AC Nielsen data show that nearly 10 years, the United States watch TV show has an audience share of 43% per cent to, whether it is long play was new, faces the dilemma of falling ratings, the desperate housewives ' after 8 years of ratings for that year's only one-third. Reduced emphasis on programIn the United States in order to save money, reduce TV production, switched to when low-cost reality show, talk show, United Kingdom produce sophisticated mini drama surrounding removal, capture of the majority of users hard drive. ITV costume drama Downton Manor, two quarters together but 15 sets, BBC Shen Shylock, less per season is only a few hundred 3 sets; however, the former gets 6Emmy Award, which was purchased the rights to overseas edition in more than 180 countries and areas. Although Debuts Seiko secret agents is not lost in the film, was selected in the two "small screen" make war on, why, and had to go into the United Kingdom television system. United Kingdom Act, home or business must be purchased for each television "TV Licensing", press color TV 145 per yearPound, black standard fee of 49 pounds per year. Is more stringent, if you do not pay the annual fee, even if your home TV set inactive or no TV, watch online TV stations broadcast live, will face a fine of 1000 pounds and a bad credit record. TV Licensing is said to people every day with Rover patrolLogical, you can accurately identify which rooms with TV, issuing warning letters like snowflakes. British side complained that "the country has to breathe faster to charge" and escape the crude and the TV screen. 5 TV stations covering the UK, BBC and ITV's reputation abroad, is the main force, is also the largest competitor. BBC the United Kingdom broadcasting company (British Broadcast Company), founded in 1922, belonging to the non-profit television, does not have any ads in the program, in addition to the global sale of television royalties and accepted United Kingdom financial assistance as part of the Government, its main source of funding is the annual user fee; full name of ITV United Kingdom independent radio (IndependentTelevision), in 1955 the official result, although commercial also depends in large part on the majority of God. Avoid the advertisers of this middle link, BBC only to please the audience and the Government, a series of famous world's great documentary is it best in return. It is interesting that in 2005, the United Kingdom Secretary of State for culture TesSA Jowell on the long-term development of the BBC issued the Green Paper, a piece of content is "reduce emphasis on program". Now looking back, but so has links to this little number. Perhaps based on policy guidance, later English jitter extractions of ratings of the whirlpool, from childhood all the way and win back the hearts of the general public. "Despise chain" fromLabels and top 5 play disc, 20 disc box set of the United States compared to 35 English plays and even a CD of the set were dissatisfied with simply being ignored the piracy market, nearly stop abroad. Fortunately, there is something called "subtitle group" organization spared no effort to make the cultural dissemination. Behind the broad influence of the British drama, a massive 400 million Internet users in China, have their workFigure. And compared to the long line of American drama, short English drama seems to be easy to impress the audience's heart. Even similar subjects, English and drama is always a notch--you have archives of the mystery, I had the doctor who history longer than you, life is longer than you; don't think Gossip Girl in upper class superficial too superficial, might as well try the air accumulatorBrutal youth: the IT guy in two "geek" than the life in the big bang science Otaku go farther, more marginal; even the emotional stresses, bluntly explicit to not chew on how the sex and the city and the series of enemy craft by two sets of sth In the majority of Internet users, two American drama and English Opera is located in the balance, after weighing up and down,Steady vertical at last-the British drama end-edge than the mainstream than the flashy high senior, introspection and self-deprecation comedy than implicit than explicit advanced, advanced, even warmth under the package in stone, than to open excessive abuse of senior. In the eyes of British opera fans, in addition to the themes, expressive of overwhelming victories Diablo 3 Gold, even if the United Kingdom actor shapes and accents are cooked very flow of United States guys, American English is more elegant. Suddenly, my college English teacher or the spirit of the times, he was saying so in an article: "why don't you hurry to learn English? Even the United States are small dark speaks fluent English, but if you have a pure tone in London, in the United States as a respected. "Where there is respect, and where there is contempt. See us play often in EnglishAccent to kid of plot, I more believe legend in the of "despised chain" said non-virtual: is said to, see British plays of looked down upon see us plays of; see us plays of looked down upon see day Korean of; see day Korean of looked down upon see RTHK plays of; see RTHK plays of looked down upon see domestic plays of; see domestic plays of, also can see does not up see Thai plays, and India (click Watch India television works test under) plays Diablo 3 CD-KEY, andPhilippine drama of sth Users speak out: "used the British play, again facing some students to the ramp when I describe how amazing of a unit of the United States plays, I would like to throw them a disdain only words: ' no culture! ' "Television series from a popular entertainment turned and climbed up" cultural high ground ". Despise in each link of the chain from high to low, on the one hand has a connotation of shades, ideasDegree of clouds and mud SWTOR CD-key, but more important is that "lower" drama occupy screens long, and "Advanced", I often have to pass a certain way to get. Easy spirit supplies, like on the culture of "a contemptuous offer" and be "jumped at, awake sleep thinking to take" small minority choose? For many young people, selected British drama, is not so much "order culture",Rather be "seeking cultural labels" farewell to Earth turtle, Western style and body. Modernity after the shoot of the black mirror saw British play by Chinese audiences as the "culture", United Kingdom producer Charlie Brooker laughed. Who is also the scriptwriter, Director and producer Charlie and his party for the post of hate, watching TV in the 2011 drama of the crash(How TV ruined your life), he used the General speed of the social network, divided into 6 chapters describe the TV series had a negative impact on life--with the exaggerated horror scary picture, distorting our expectations for love with romantic story, celebrities folly replaced specialists spreading knowledge of sth Convenient also to United KingdomTelevision series history's most stunning bridges is just reviewed it again. 2012, Charlie has to create mini-dramas of the black mirror Red burst network. 3 in the first quarter set about 3 different stories: the national anthem, and the value of 15 million miles, and the history of all of you. It was stated that the "powerful man who can see inside of the black mirror"�� In fact, this set of 3 short films are really necessary in the title attached to remind: "the film can cause restlessness, anxiety, fear and other emotions, accompanied by their adult to watch. "The national anthem, told a story of tall tales: night, United Kingdom Prime Ministers was a phone call to wake, learn that peoples loved the Princess suffered abduction, kidnappers proposed redemption of human condition,Is Prime Minister and a sow sexual intercourse, and in the whole nation live throughout. Feel uncomfortable is not the infamous overnight may, but full of impulse process. The Prime Minister initially process does not, of course, television polls also show, 72% United Kingdom citizens refuse to watch live, threat against the expense of the dignity of the individual ways to compromise. But with the publicMain fingers suspected kidnappers cut off, Youtube videos of crazy transfer network, seemingly strong public opinion quickly fall to 14%. Although TV stations trying to use modern imaging technologies to help Prime Minister completed "tasks", even to AV men wore black cloth to prepare "packages", has been a staff fraud process took, uploaded to Twitter. Final, The Prime Minister has to qualified by the kidnappers at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in time to take off my pants down sth At this point, the whole country was all took to the streets, bars, restaurants, home, everyone is gathered before the respective screen. Lens across the face, some are turned, eyes wide to prepare more and more people look good. From national to personal safety, everyone thought "pigs on the Prime Minister to save the Princess"Loss is the smallest and most natural choice, as a matter of fact, nothing taken for granted, nor moral high or bottom line, seemingly independent choice is just being developed with modern media. When life was TV, networks, SNS filled, our immediate attention, blind reviews, unconditional forwarding busy deal like a gyroscope in the loop, for early removal of hard"Princess", but turn a blind eye. Through this story, Charlie Brooker once again expressed his distrust of modern media: before the polls, has guided; do not know the truth and the masses of onlookers, easier to distort facts; won re-election, even if the Prime Minister and the final judgment by the media as a "national hero", still not able to change his home was reduced toNon-human situation. To the 2nd and 3rd sets, Charlie continued to use his "black mirror", ubiquitous, flood the screen from different angles of the talk show, darenxiu and virtualization of the digital life, black mapping, antennae extending from the modern media to postmodern consumption of social ills. Beginning of every episode of the black mirror, a mirror broken screen."Broken mirror" image borrowed from United Kingdom poet Lord Tennyson's works that make SB famous of the Charlotte Lady: fairy Charlotte cursed prisoners in the island Tower, just looking down from the Tower, there will be a fatal disaster, she only ever look in the mirror to see the outside world. Finally one day, love Charlotte Knights in the mirror, ran to the window and look at the real world, the mirror was immediately broken, she with the dead�� People who can't stand the black mirror of the heart is not strong enough, I'm afraid not because of how many pictures of bloody terror inside of the mirror, but it will make us doubt, own of the world, is just a huge cover-up operation. Fear comes from ignorance, but the terror is not unknown, but we've known, but then find that totally not the case�� Read the black mirror to know, the Shen Shylock lira wind effects, letters of the alphabet appear vividly on screen, clever jump off editing of sth Them altogether is not postmodern, is at best a fashionable puffiness in the digital age. What is postmodernism? The black mirror is. What is the reason? Kernel of the black mirror more reasoning: to discover the truth with the strict logic.Traditional political satire of British Opera work to prove to the public for Charlie Brooker: life destroyed by watching TV, but good TV, it can reflect on life. In addition, British satire of the play the biggest features is to spare no effort. This profound "national character" even in the upstairs-downstairs, the Cranford Chronicle, Austin in costume hegitShine, not to mention a lot of mini dramas. Is Tuxedo gentleman also talked about a second before the Affairs, one second after you turned descendants of Dracula, the mist curl one's lip insidious smile. As early as more than 20 years ago, United Kingdom affecting long-term characteristics of play: one of the political satire show, Empire of the sun never sets fully exposed serious implication of insanity in temperament. 1980 began broadcasting BBC British dramaIs, Minister, dignitaries gathered at Downing Street. Secretary and Secretary of the civil service, small cross three, constantly exposing the United Kingdom political party and civil service of Siberia, dig at himself than like the politics of United States counterparts more "shedeyishengua". When it is said that the show aired United Kingdom persons could not be found in the lower House, were all watching TV. Are fans even Thatcher, also in the first quarterAs a screenwriter, cameo performances. After 6 years, promotions, became Prime Minister, Minister, docu-drama to the is, in the name of the Prime Minister, moving to Downing Street, Prime Minister's official residence, 10th continues to interpret, rumor more than before. Many dialogues become a classic piece is �C Prime Minister found himself unable to enjoy free meals, heart health meter: dinner for Consular Corps is a national pay, and at least a 7-course meal! "WeekGermany Ambassador to eat lunch. On Tuesday, France Ambassador. On Wednesday, the United States Ambassador. On Thursday, New Zealand Commissioners. How many States of the United Nations? "" 158. "" It can eat for 6 months, and then they start to eat one. "" Ministry of Foreign Affairs may not agree. "" Why? "" They say Prime Minister Ambassador to eat lunch at a time, undermine the diplomatic achievement for two years. ��In 2005, the BBC again with Prime Minister Tony Blair for the channel object, produced a new political comedy behind the crisis, ironic Dominion Labour Party Government to make profit, for the sake of media exposure, but is held. In the 21st century is that of Prime Minister, the Ministry of Social Affairs Minister Albert became the new "trouble processor", make a lot of jokes. Not only the Government,Even the Royal family also went to great lengths to dig at and mocked. United Kingdom comedy Rowan Atkinson of the master of the famous, not just "Mr Bean". From 1983-1989, he was the seasons in the British drama the black jazz, black jazz I and II, sanshi, sishi, performances, respectively of the 15th century Prince of mentally handicapped (click to see the Prince film and the fine dancingDoor 2), Butler and court jester of the 16th century, the 19th century Prime Minister of the 20th century British army officers, enjoy his comedy genius. Queen Mary, Queen Victoria-by-also debut, said comes from Shakespeare's classic lines, the reproduction of Palace Chambers myth of Great Britain. On February 16 this year, once in the episode bean performing the pay a formal visit of the Queen of RowanAtkinson was finally in the real life "pay a formal visit Queen", it is said that the two sides "talk very happy". "Nerd": a new era of "cute" out of the Palace and the Cabinet, is also a variety of folk ghost stories English plays synthesizer. None of the drama of the place, like the British drama keen interpretation of geek, nerd and nerd. 7 episodes of the 2009 BBC mini dramaThe cities like crazy freak camp: able to recite world's famous killer mentally retarded, snow white (click to see snow white film and video of the Jinling 13 hairpin and the youth-related) Princess cast collection of dwarf actors, clowns, single hand addiction of millionaires, the blind woman doll when the son of sth 5 flavors of nerds series of mystery, reasoning, one set blackColor, fantasy, and horror all in one mix and play. Crazy is not reasonably, in the tense atmosphere of suspense will suddenly jump out of a joke, or even the whole episode is like a hoax, in a twinkling of an eye, three modes of collapse. More than the story is crazy creative. For the crazy posters of cities, evaluation is the best sentence: "there is only 4 people on the poster. "Part 2Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton in person play the play, performed at least 3 per person in the play a major role, these creative people sigh: "fine", then puzzle people. The mad cities also have the main line and plot, also consists of two well-known British drama of the human self and acting of the small British compared to go further: Matt Lucas and David Walliams in the play big talent, Assistant to the Prime Minister, homosexuals, and easily in patients with addiction, obesity, wrinkled skin Po, disabled persons, persons with disabilities, mentally ill people forth Britons were one by one play by their exaggerated, distorted manner, almost no plot, similar to bridge repeated again, say to all those who did notNutritious lower-level jokes, as normal sick without praise. Not like, see Jiji it too boring to run away. Of this, it can be seen today the metamorphosis, becomes love tomorrow. Even the "going all out" a spoof of, has also been praised as "spoof of tolerance reflect the degree of social civilization". Even the United States HBO invited both primaryContinued creation of the small British America (Little Britain USA), depicted in the United States from England. Not bad not to blame for not money. On the screen "nut hold sway" reasons, and "novelty" is much different. To this day, "weird" has almost become a "cute" name: homosexuality is no longer a serious social issues, GodAnalysis of Shylock the rage, is "a good foundation friends forever with you"; the character is isolated and become a new fashion, "good cards" but can't open; if the enemy two 3 in men and women is the most cute, the answer must be immersed in the language itself in the system of Kinky Jeff. "Eruption", is hiring. United Kingdom talk show actor DylanMoraN play mini in the third quarter after the drama of the black books fame. The play, the young boss runs a little shop of books sold in London, disheveled, and nasty, adults do not wash hair in a mess you can pull out the fried mushrooms to eat in, surly personality, drive away customers, new tip of beard Assistant Manny is whirring drink drink. But is such aKooks, attract Chinese fans ran miles to worship in London, finally found Moran's friends said, "I just love him! "But be calm of the other party to answer:" who said it was not. "United Kingdom actress Miranda Hart has over 40 years this year, after quiet unknown 2009 self acting mini comic of the same name of the MirandaBut after fame. The play, she is 1.8-meter tall, weighs about 180 older shengnv "Queen Kong" (Bionic Woman), the heart of 40 years is still full of girls, although due to bigger pawing often make a lot of jokes, but also because good at self, Miranda's "stupid" also makes her "cute". Review national productions have beenEncounter mentally play, creative we are accustomed to criticism, Earth turtle, stand still, not looking at others how to shoot TV series, how advanced, excellent produce and how. But the truth is, the choreographer may be like us, keen on British and American drama, maybe the news is more well informed than we. Their not have grandiose aims but puny abilities, nor are short-term low-energy. UseA popular word: you'll never wake a sleeping person. If you wake up face is hungry, people who have enough to eat in my dreams, always slept on. Others:

