
gaoguan and Xiang Yu River at the intersection of the two. Dong Wangfeng Valley Diablo 3 CD-KEY ga

129838017173750000_20Deep in the Qinling Mountains are a large number of villas real estate developers in the name of tourism development project NetEase finance (/7) forwarded to the micro-blogging introduction at zhangan district, Qinling Mountains and is surrounded by mountains on the eco-tourism zone, southern Qinling North Road, East Qinling Wildlife Park, North of Wan Shan Road, in horticultural Expo Garden, ecological and comprehensive service area, Qinling Wildlife Park, Science Park zone in three Park areas.Built stack of villas, townhouses, Garden House, there are clubs, preschools, style shops. http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/83L1C1L3251H0025.jpg http://img3.cAche.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/t_83L1C1L3251H0025.jpg developers State Xian Qinling Mountains and travel group, its two listed companies, there are a number of well-known businesses and attractions. The project covers an area of 458,000 square meters, construction area of 220,000 square meters, the plot ratio 0.49. http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/83L1C1U4251H0025.jpg http://img3.cache.netease.com/Photo/0025/2012-06-10/t_83L1C1U4251H0025.jpg project of high mountain flowing water Villas is located in beautiful garden-after the end of South Mountain, covering an area of 559 acres, green rate 76.9%, Mountain Park and the mountains with 150000M2 Lake, Dong Wangfeng Valley, WestGao Guanhe, tray reservoir in the South and the north slope of Qinling Mountains, the North by mountains tourist road, approximately 23 km from XI ' an. http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/83L1C1AV251H0025.jpg http://iMg3.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/t_83L1C1AV251H0025.jpg incense Valley is situated in the northern slope of Qinling Mountains mature Villa area, 700 meters South East of ���ʳɷ֡� bath turntables, entire Villa 183 acres Diablo 3 CD-KEY, afforestation rate of up to 62%. Total productionBuilding area of 30,000 square meters, floor area ratio of only 0.27. http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/83L1C2DN251H0025.jpg http://img3.cache.neteasE.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/t_83L1C2DN251H0025.jpg incense Valley is situated in the northern slope of Qinling Mountains mature Villa area, 700 meters South East of ���ʳɷ֡� bath turntables, entire Villa 183 acres, afforestation rate of up to 62%. Total building area of 30,000 square meters, volume rate0.27 per cent. http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/83L1C2KE251H0025.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/t_83L1C2KE251H0025.jpg group Yin Villas is located in global geopark Dragon pulse on the Bank of the northern slope of Qinling Mountains, gaoguan and Xiang Yu River at the intersection of the two. Dong Wangfeng Valley, the North by mountains tourist road, West is Highway seamlessly connect cities, with flowing water as the thread, 65 bottles of Spain villas style, embellished with, 5King 00-800 square meters of space Rift CD-key, water. http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/83L1C23F251H0025.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.coM/photo/0025/2012-06-10/t_83L1C23F251H0025.jpg andeluxiya covers the entire period of 177,000 �O, total area: 84,400, volume rate of 0.336, afforestation rate at 52.5%. Pure Spain style villas, courtyard villas, MINI Edition dualSpell villas and mountain view apartments, scattered in the Valley of the south slope of Qinling Mountains. http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/83L1C12G251H0025.jpg http://img3.cache.neteasE.com/photo/0025/2012-06-10/t_83L1C12G251H0025.jpg Qinling "Central Park" and the "green lungs of Shaanxi Province," said, in recent years is also growing in Shaanxi Province on its ecological protection. But reporters learned in an interview a few days ago, is famous for its lovely scenesNorth of South Qinling Mountains and, Villa development project without depending on the State and local construction of the ban were launched, which not only takes up valuable land resources on the ground, also impact on the ecological environment in the Qinling Mountains, its forbidden and continuous development momentum, worrying Qinling "Villa die young" when closed. Villa due to the pleasant climate of deep reservoirs in the Qinling Mountains and convenient transportation, QinNorth ridge known as Xian "back garden", in recent years have become a people of XI ' an important place for leisure, recreation and tourism. However journalists in northern slope of Qinling Mountains ring road the other day to see, along the ring road distribution more Villa projects, these villas project is completed, some are under construction. , Numerous villas, large and small group "stacked" under the foot of the northern slope of Qinling Mountains,Coordination with the surrounding environment is not. Reporters found in an interview, admitted to Villa has been built for the completion of the project area is larger, and larger "Qinling mountain water" in the community, staff, stock exhaust, single, Villa over more than 2000 sets, formed a massive complex at the foot of Qinling Mountains. "High mountain flowing water", "Sweet Valley", "Qinling mountain water"Completed villas, such as occupancy rates are relatively low, many Villas is not decoration. Villa staff, many villa owners to come and live on the weekend only, Villa people normally. Reporters also found that there are some villas are under construction and available for sale, and expensive. The auspicious Valley, close to the Qinling gaoguan River, has a method called "group Yin villas"Villa projects. According to the project staff, this project is currently in the stage of internal sales, the whole project a total of 65 villas, between 560 to 800 square meters area, price is about $ 40,000 per square meter. From the "group Yin villas" not far away, there is a name for "Ridge" of Villa projects. According to the project staff, "Ling" projectSold out, the second phase was registered in good faith. The entire project covers an area of 600 acres, will be implemented in three-to four-phase construction, is expected to build over 200 villas, the current average price per square meter in 1. About $ 70,000. Zhashuixian yingpan town is located in the South of Qinling mountain in shangluo city, journalists in the town of camp zhujia village also discovered a number of villas project is under construction. Yingpan town to zhujiajiao in Bay villageOn either side of a dozen kilometres of road, distribution of "andeluxiya", "days to build," "jinyu village" more Villa projects. These projects have built some uncompleted, leaving many subjects completed Villa "shelf" is in a shutdown state; some are spread the stand construction and development, part of the Villa was completed, ongoing facade decoration. "Ban Shu" XiaVilla complete license in an interview, zhujia village the villagers told reporters that "andeluxiya" several projects such as the original is in the name of tourism development located in zhujia village. But in the course of project construction, the villagers found that these projects are not only built the Villa, the Villa's external sales, real estate development, which made the villagers feel cheated�� While the State in recent years published remonstrations "ban Shu", reporters learned in the interview, most of these villas project of Qinling area "license is complete". Appears in yingpan town zhashuixian of three villas project, for example, zhashuixian information provided by the departments concerned shows that these three projects are investment project, to tourist services by the modification made by the County Department for the record, and it isThis project has been made of the land, planning and other related procedures. Sales in the northern slope of Qinling Mountains are in the "group of sages villas" Villa project, according to the staff, the project "four card", is pre syndrome has not run down. Reporters learned from the XI Secretary Bureau of land and resources, "Ridge" and "group Yin villas" both of these projects have used land,Is a "legitimate" project. But for reporters on the national prohibition to Villa project, these two projects are able to inquiries made, XI ' an city land resources branch, the Secretary has not answered. Villa projects in the Qinling Mountains "complete license" issue, industry sources who know the facts, these villas project is a construction license have three mainSituation: a is some old of Villa project in national introduced ban zhiqian on has made license and started construction, and to built; II is some project take disguised development of way, to tourism development of name made has construction license, secretly is line Villa construction of real; three is some project in local Government of rectifying process in the, due to has or near built, so is included "Leave "after completing the procedures to continue to exist. Government road on the road why ban only in paper? Construction field reporter seen in Qinling area Villa project, the project not only covers a wide and significant impact on local natural environment and landscape, some projects have vast mountain is in the construction of artificial excavation for landscape and build houses. And forAppears in numerous villas project of Qinling Mountains, villagers of the surrounding and the masses have expressed anger and opposition. Many people believe that precious land resources in Qinling Mountains, these villas project covering hundreds of acres, but only lived to build for a few villas, is a tremendous waste of land resources. Zhujia village two group one villager said, because of the mountainous terrain limits, zhujia village peopleRarely, they are only 7 minutes per person in the group. After real estate development projects, many who used to grow wheat, corn, soybeans and other crops cultivated are he is going. This reporter has learned, for the protection of the ecological environment of the northern slope of Qinling Mountains, on northern slope of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province as early as 2003 special ecological environments, and prohibits any unit and individualEngaged in real estate development and construction in northern slope of Qinling Mountains, building living houses and private villas. In January 2007 TERA Gold, the Shaanxi Provincial Government has issued the platform for eco-environmental protection in the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province, which expressly prohibited any units and individuals engaged in real estate development in the northern slope of Qinling Mountains region, the construction of commodity houses and private villas. Despite the remonstrations on the part of the local government, but in Qinling areaWhy are still banned and the construction of villas in every direction? Reporters learned in an interview, in addition to a number of projects outside the muddle through in the name of resort development in disguise, acquiescence or even ignore the relevant departments is Villa project big important reasons for his own food. Zhashuixian in shangluo city, land, construction, Forestry Department official said, yingpan town of three villas projectAnd supervision, they are in accordance with the approval, on behalf of the tourism development from a single Department's approval and no irregularities. But reporters found that these signs for Villa development occurred later, but no Government Department to deal with monitoring and correcting, until the exposure by the media before local investigation and take steps to rectify. In Zhashui County of yingpan town "AndrewWest Asia "project, reporters found the staff of project construction party rental in beigou niubeiliang national nature reserve protection in Shaanxi Province, near station. Protection station official said that "andeluxiya" is not within the jurisdiction of the protection project construction, and why the construction of rental housing for the project, the official refused to respond. XI ' an University of architecture and technology teachingLv Renyi delegation believes that Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province, Xian and the whole eco-barrier and construction development in Qinling area villa, too much will make human activities extending to the region of Qinling Mountains, so as to interfere with the supply of groundwater in Qinling area ecological system, negative effects on regional ecological environment and atmosphere of history and culture of the region of Qinling Mountains and natural beauty also has damaging effects. In the Qinling MountainsReal estate development area, is a sign of the blind pursuit of interests, but also the law, lax enforcement results, the next step should be determined to hold back the real estate development of Qinling Mountains, ensure effective protection of the ecological environment in Qinling mountain area. 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