
tera power leveling Han Zheng - CLD

129779408081093750_73April 1, Standing Committee member of the CPC Central Committee and Premier Wen Jiabao in qinzhou, Guangxi, such as Quanzhou and Putian, Fuzhou, Fujian to investigate on the economic situation. In-depth workshop he visited front-line employees, and meetings with business leaders forum. He is also held in Fuzhou, Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces (cities) Forum on the economic situation. Wen JiabaoOut of China's current economic situation overall is good, some leading indicators fell, but remained at a reasonable level, development of national economic operation to continue moving in the direction of macroeconomic regulation and control is expected. To fully see the advantages and positive ones, and firm confidence in the economy. At the same time to remain sober-minded, enhance the sense of, pay close attention to economic operationThe new situations and new problems, the introduction of more flexible prudent macroeconomic policies, timely appropriate pre-adjustable fine tuning, maintaining steady and fast economic development, ensure the achievement of this year's economic and social development goals. Firmly support the real economy development on 1st, Premier Wen Jiabao at a China-Malaysia qinzhou industrial park after the opening ceremony, came to China in Guangxi petrochemical company, understanding of enterprise production and managementConditions, and part of the port, logistics and Transport Forum of Heads of enterprises. A seat, Mr Wen said, just after the first quarter, I understand the logistics enterprises in operational condition, is from port, transportation, shipping, warehousing, take a look at what some of the current economic situation changes, what's notable about symptoms. China Ocean Shipping (Group) Corporation President Li shaode reflected, the world economy is notClimate effects, current shipping industry "two up two down" phenomenon: volume up, rate drop, rising oil prices, benefits drop. International port of Ye Shixiang reflected in Beibu Gulf in Guangxi, now Terminal stored more coal, sales are in Mong Kok. Premier Wen Jiabao asking: and the import and export of goods of ASEAN, much? Ye Shixiang said, not too much. Especially in bulk liners have done relatively well. Huameng shippingZhang Liqun limited company believes that after April, with the end of the rainy season, orders from ASEAN countries will rise quickly. After listening to business leaders to speak, Wen Jiabao said, reflected from you, you can see that some signal of economic operations: first, the State of the world economy is in the doldrums. Decline in external demand, orders. Second, the basic stability with ASEAN trade and cargo. ChinaAnd ASEAN trade has more than of Sino-Japanese trade. This tells us that in connection with trading in Europe and unstable or when to open up multiple markets. Third, the domestic bulk cargo volume decline, reflecting a quarter of heavy and chemical industries such as steel, cement, colored encountered difficulties, and capital growth falling. Wen Jiabao said: the logistics development to economic development, but due to poor logistics will shadowSound economic development. Central last year "eight" support for logistics enterprises to adopt a series of policies, but it's not enough. This year to promote the flow of development held special meetings, including the flow of logistics enterprise to create a more favourable policy conditions. Fujian Quanzhou private economy developed, quantity, output and employment in private enterprises above designated 90%, formation textiles, shoes and hatsIndustrial cluster of clothing output, such as extra hundreds of billions. 2nd, Wen Jiabao inspected and Quanzhou Quanzhou Fujian septwolves sporting goods company "lead SHOW Tiandi" creative Park, and in part of the Park and private business leaders forum. Xu Jingnan main production of Fujian peak basketball shoes group reflecting currently insufficient domestic demand, rising export costs. Proposed increase on exporting enterprise support. ConstantAn international group said Xu lianjie, high cost of financing, financing is still plagued with small and medium enterprises in Quanzhou. Wen Jiabao said: the current insufficient domestic demand, rising export costs, business downward pressure increases, we must seriously face: one is financial liquidity and financing of reasonable size. Second, steady exports policies. Third, enterprises should strive to open up the market, doing everything possible to reduce operatingCosts. Four were actively expanding imports, encouraging enterprises to speed up technological transformation. Wen Jiabao said: our support for SMEs is firm. Central Bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission has taken measures to clean up and stop unauthorized collection of fees. We are also further increase the intensity of structural tax cut, more support to SMEs. Countries to finance comprehensive reform in Wenzhou, encouraging the development of microfinanceSecretary, village banks, supporting a small micro-enterprise development. To better understand the business operation of the 2nd afternoon, Premier Wen Jiabao came to Fuyao glass industry group company limited, and oil-chemical industry, machine-building, textile, electronic information materials, automotive glass industry business leaders forum. Union petrochemical company of Fujian refinery, ludong said, since the second half of last year, market conditionsCondition is not very satisfactory. Rising crude oil prices, lower demand shrinking, falling corporate profits. Qiu Debo said China Dragon Holdings Limited, is a barometer of construction machinery industry, representatives of the lower investment in fixed assets. Mixed enterprise, "worry" is a longer duration of contraction in demand since last year. "XI" is starting from January of this year sales per cent higher thanOrders increased. Wen Jiabao said: the investment needs are important aspects of domestic demand. Pre-adjustable fine tuning of a current focus is to guarantee continued funding under construction. Key is the 3rd deal with three relations, Premier Wen Jiabao held in Fuzhou, Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces (cities) Forum on the economic situation. Su Shulin, Governor of Fujian province, Han Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai, Jiangsu ProvinceXia Baolong tera power leveling, Governor of Zhejiang Province, Governor LI Xueyong, believe in his speech, first quarter of the year, around the grasp "amidst" general tone, conscientiously implement various policies, basic stable domestic demand growth, industrial production and overall stability, price inflation down, stabilized market confidence, employment situation is generally stable, strong the basis of stable and rapid economic development. Enterprise financing difficulties still outstanding, Economic operation there is a part of the decline in industry enterprises, foreign trade growth slows, and so on. Su Shulin recommends that the financial sector to solve micro-enterprise financing tera power leveling, financing your small problems, supporting local optimization structure of foreign trade export enterprise and open up the international market. Han Zheng said that the economic situation is more complex this year, recommended the Central of structural stimulation preconditioning of fine-tuning measures, as soon as possibleAnd put in place as soon as possible. LI Xueyong recommends countries to further increase input, expanding effective demand, and to increase support for the real economy. Xia Baolong recommendations to maintain stability and continuity in foreign trade policy, countries should step up to the development of strategic industries, in the eastern part of modern service industries, advanced manufacturing and other aspects of policy support. Premier Wen Jiabao said at the Forum, all theBall-economic situation remains serious and complex. We should pay close attention to the changes in the domestic and international situation, comprehensive analysis, properly, handle remains steady and rapid economic development, structural adjustment and control relationships between inflation expectations. Economic development is fast and stable basis, structural adjustment is the key, price stability is guaranteed. To strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation and control. This is the most importantThe task, is also a basis for doing other work. Preconditioning fine-tuning measures according to the changes in the situation as soon as possible, both policies, there is a corresponding policy space. Step up the implementation of structural policies such as tax cuts already introduced, and continue to be improved. Monetary policy should take into account the promotion of stable and rapid economic development, maintaining price stability and financial risk prevention, targeted and timely appropriateAdjustment. Unswervingly expand consumer demand, measured by the scale of investment, improve the quality and efficiency of investment, capital needs ensuring that major national construction projects under construction, pushing the "Twelve-Five" plan major projects implemented on schedule, starting as soon as possible bearing on the overall situation, strong leading role in major projects. To have the repayment capacity of the project is to continue to support, preventing the funding strand. Continue movingGood price controls to prevent prices rebounded. Second, implementing a strong agricultural policy benefiting. Grasp the spring agricultural production towards agricultural good harvest to protect the effective supply of main agricultural products. Three efforts to maintain stable growth of foreign trade. Speeding up the progress of the export tax rebate, and create favourable conditions for enterprises to expand exports. Research of new policy measures, focusing on supporting companies to enter emerging markets, fosterMain brand, the expansion of services exports. Actively expanding imports to attach importance to importing advanced technology and equipment, in particular tera gold, helps companies seize the opportunity, accelerate technological transformation. Four great efforts should be made to promote the development of SMEs. Improvement of finance and taxation supporting policy, expand the scale of special funds for the small and medium enterprises. Improving financial services for SMEs, and ease the financing difficulty of small micro-enterprises. Breaking them, and broaden accessTo create fair competition and common development of various forms of ownership system of environment. The private economy is more developed in three provinces and one city, large scale of private capital, hopes based on local realities, bold, fighting for something, provide reference and reference for the development and improvement of relevant policies. Five we should unswervingly continue to implement real estate market regulation policy. Promoting affordable housing programConstruction, widening the financing channels, supply of land for protection, raise design standards and ensure the quality of works. Seize the time to perfect the construction of affordable housing, distribution, management and exit system to ensure sustainable affordable housing construction. Wen Jiabao stressed: localities and departments should pay close attention to economic development, strengthen economic trend analysis. Leading cadres to grass roots, study, grasp,Targeted measures in a timely manner, more attention is to protect and improve people's livelihood, efforts to maintain stable and rapid economic development. ����During his visit, Wen Jiabao, also in the evening of 1st and 2nd night, heard the area Committee and District Government of Guangxi and Fujian Provincial CPC Committee and the provincial government work report, and working set requirements in the two provinces. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, notThat confirmed that the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

